collecte section Bourgogne

I blogged about my experience last week with my heart stopping. This Lyme is a vicious beast

I blogged about my experience last week with my heart stopping. This Lyme is a vicious beast and I'm sure most of you agree - we won't be silent. Feel free to share to help shake a few more people awake about tick bite prevention this summer! ‪#‎lymedontkillmyvibe‬ ‪#‎lymiesunite‬

"this is probably my least flowery post ever, but I care way too much about my fellow man to be silent about my suffering – if I can spare another person from living this nightmare, I will. I won’t keep my voice quiet, no matter how many doctors cause me to cry over standing up for myself and my health. no matter how many people look at me like I’m making up every symptom I daily fight for my life through. no matter how many years us Lymies wait and fight for change in the system. I’ll still be here, as long as God allows, fighting for change however my body is able."