collecte section Bourgogne

Irrefutable facts about Lyme, John Caudwell

John Caudwell
Part of my interview for sky news last week about ‪#‎lyme‬
Irrefutable facts about Lyme
●It is often a chronic condition that
destroys lives.
●it is substantially and tragically undiagnosed/misdiagnosed ignored and neglected
●Some of the great research seems to be ignored/suppressed for whatever reason!
●There are many false negatives from many labs incuding the nhs
●The incidence of Chronic Lyme is way higher than anybody raises or accepts: my family had no diagnosis until recently. Now 9 out of 9 of us have it. What does that tell the nhs? Pure fluke or epidemic?
●Many people with ‪#‎ms‬ ‪#‎me‬ ‪#‎als‬ ‪#‎fybromyalgia‬ ‪#‎autism‬ ‪#‎alzeimers‬ ‪#‎cfs‬ have Lyme disease and Co

This illness is probably the greatest threat to public health of our time and certainly the most serious illness to be so badly ignored and denied!
Unless there is a massive change in attitude, people in government and in our health services will in years to come regret their position on this and will have to live with their guilty consciences.
I hope those with a dogmatic approach, those whose pride is at stake those who may have a vested interest in Lyme denial will change their attitude and open their minds to pull together and save huge human suffering!