collecte section Bourgogne

In 1989, the IDSAs own journal said Lyme disease can be confused with multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and dementia and can cause heart failure

《 In 1989, the IDSAs own journal said Lyme disease can be confused with multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and dementia and can cause heart failure. Lyme can pass from the placenta to an unborn child's organs. Lyme disease is associated with birth defects and fetal and infant deaths. Infants can be and have been born with Lyme disease.
They all knew Lyme disease can lead to severe neurologic disease. It is the neurologic injury that they later started lying about. They lied because the surface proteins are toxic and that is what leads to the neurologic injuries. Their problem was that in order to make a vaccine, they had to use those very dangerous Outer Surface Proteins. They had to lie about Lyme disease to hide the fact that the vaccine is causing those symptoms.
The solution is a criminal prosecution using their own research to prove their definition, test, and treatment is all fraud. No doctor can follow those bogus rules after that because they can be sued for malpractice.