MacDonald published a similar paper in 1986 , it is at least referenced
in this recent paper. Compare Alan MacDonald's image of a Borrelia
myamotoi biofilm embedded within Beta Amyloid Plaque from a deceased
Alzheimer's patient. (East Coast)
Curr Neurobiol 2018; 9(1): 29-32 ISSN 0975-9042
A Pathway to Alzheimer’s disease
Curr Neurobiol 2018; 9(1): 29-32 ISSN 0975-9042
A Pathway to Alzheimer’s disease
Herbert B. Allen, Rina M. Allawh, Kavita Goyal
Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, USA
Abstract: We postulate a pathway to Alzheimer’s disease that begins with microbial pathogens, spirochetes, that make biolms which upregulate the innate immune system. This leads to the destruction of the tissue and the formation of Aβ by known biochemical and microbiological pathways.
The spirochetes also form biolms intracellularly; and, in the process, create Aβ which stimulates the hyperphosphorylation of tau protein. This ultimately leads to the formation of neurobrillary tangles and dendritic disintegration. All the steps in this pathway have been shown to be present by direct pathological observation or by known microbiological/biochemical pathways. As one proof of concept, things that negatively impact AD, such as diabetes, smoking, and certain drug exposures have been shown to inuence one or another component of the pathway.
1. Miklossy J. Alzheimer’s Disease-A Neurospirochetosis- Analysis of the Evidence following Koch’s and Hill’s Criteria. J Neuroinammation. 2011; 8: 90.
2. Miklossy J. Historic evidence to support a causal relationship between spirochetal infections and Alzheimer’s disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015; 7: 46.
3. MacDonald AB. Borrelia in the Brains of Patients Dying with Dementia. JAMA. 1986; 256: 2195-2196.
4. Miklossy J. Bacterial Amyloid and DNA are Important Constituents of Senile Plaques: Further Evidence of the Spirochetal and Biolm Nature of Senile Plaques. J Alz Dis. 2016; 53: 1479-1473
Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, USA
Abstract: We postulate a pathway to Alzheimer’s disease that begins with microbial pathogens, spirochetes, that make biolms which upregulate the innate immune system. This leads to the destruction of the tissue and the formation of Aβ by known biochemical and microbiological pathways.
The spirochetes also form biolms intracellularly; and, in the process, create Aβ which stimulates the hyperphosphorylation of tau protein. This ultimately leads to the formation of neurobrillary tangles and dendritic disintegration. All the steps in this pathway have been shown to be present by direct pathological observation or by known microbiological/biochemical pathways. As one proof of concept, things that negatively impact AD, such as diabetes, smoking, and certain drug exposures have been shown to inuence one or another component of the pathway.
1. Miklossy J. Alzheimer’s Disease-A Neurospirochetosis- Analysis of the Evidence following Koch’s and Hill’s Criteria. J Neuroinammation. 2011; 8: 90.
2. Miklossy J. Historic evidence to support a causal relationship between spirochetal infections and Alzheimer’s disease. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015; 7: 46.
3. MacDonald AB. Borrelia in the Brains of Patients Dying with Dementia. JAMA. 1986; 256: 2195-2196.
4. Miklossy J. Bacterial Amyloid and DNA are Important Constituents of Senile Plaques: Further Evidence of the Spirochetal and Biolm Nature of Senile Plaques. J Alz Dis. 2016; 53: 1479-1473