collecte section Bourgogne

New World Electro Symphony

New World Electro Symphony - Jerome Okresik (Official) - YouTubeéil y a 1 jour - 3 min - Ajouté par producerjerome
"New World Electro Symphony" produced and mixed by Jérôme Okresik Composed by Jerome
Okresik on Dvořák's famous theme (Symphony No. 9 in E Minor "From the New World")
Publiée le 27 mai 2012 par
"New World Electro Symphony" produced and mixed by Jérôme Okresik

Composed by Jerome Okresik on Dvořák's famous theme (Symphony No. 9 in E Minor "From the New World")

Orchestral performance, sound design, and MIDI editing directed by Nicolas Techer

Music protected by SACEM 
(Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique)

Text and Video Clip by Jerome Okresik

For those who want to continue the adventure, you can discover the wonderful film that gives a glimpse at this new world : « The Celestine Prophecy " (2006 American film directed by Armand Mastroianni based on James Redfield's novel from the same name)