collecte section Bourgogne

naturopathic approaches to lyme disease treatment

A few of the things you would want to have your Dr discuss with you, if you are new to lyme or want to know what questions to bring with you to a Lyme Dr's appointment......

Primary infection – Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete
Co-infections – erlichia, bartonella, babesia etc
Nutritional deficiencies
General detoxification
Immune dysfunction
Systemic inflammation and pain
GI infections – parasites, h pylori
Gluten intolerance/ food sensitivities
Viral infections – herpes, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, measles
Yeast overgrowth – candidiasis
Heavy metal toxicity
Mold toxicity
Hormone imbalance (adrenals, thyroid, reproductive)
Sleep issues
Imbalance in brain chemistry/ neurotransmitters