collecte section Bourgogne

This blog deals primarily with those impacted by the long term effects of tick-borne diseases, but can apply to any loss.

Sarah Israel, draws an analogy that she hopes will help others cope with devastating loss. Her blog deals primarily with those impacted by the long term effects of tick-borne diseases, but can apply to any loss. The easy and natural inclination is to mourn the loss of your old life, while fighting for survival in your new one. Her hope is that some of these positive suggestions will help others, as they have helped her, to cope and to THRIVE while surviving.

"You do have to spend time to mourn the loss of your old self-- your previous identity prior to you becoming sick. After you mourn for the appropriate time, you need to find a new identity; a new sense of self. In time, you will learn to love this new life just as much as your old way of life, even though they are very different from each other. Each has its own set of pros and cons, but you love both the same