collecte section Bourgogne

A Call to Action request from John that will help support him and all those suffering from Lyme

A Call to Action request from John that will help support him and all those suffering from Lyme. Click the link below to submit a letter to your local or national elected official in advance of the December 4th Senate briefing that John will attend.
#BiteBackforACure Ride - Day 52

A Call to Action: Last night in West Virginia, John filmed this piece that talks about the pressing need for the #LymeDisease community to have their voice heard by Congress in advance of the Dec. 4th Senate Briefing that John will be attending along with members of the TBDA. His ask tonight is simple: Click this link - -and fill out a VoterVoice digital advocacy letter to send to your local and national elected officials. Let them know that you or a loved one are hurting from these diseases. It is a totally automated process and will only take you a minute or so to complete. Let's join our voices together to demand change from our government! Thank you so much.
Durée : 2:38