B. miyamotoi in Europe!
As expected for ticks collected in Alsace, a French region with high rates of Lyme disease, we also identified B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi s.s., the three human pathogenic species known to circulate in France [34]. Interestingly, we also detected sequences from B. miyamotoi, which is responsible for relapsing fever in Russia, and which was recently detected in the USA [35]. The presence of B. miyamotoi DNA was confirmed by real-time PCR. Even though sequences from this bacteria have previously been amplified from I. ricinus in Sweden, France and Slovakia [21], [36], it has never thus far been associated with disease in Europe.
As expected for ticks collected in Alsace, a French region with high rates of Lyme disease, we also identified B. afzelii, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi s.s., the three human pathogenic species known to circulate in France [34]. Interestingly, we also detected sequences from B. miyamotoi, which is responsible for relapsing fever in Russia, and which was recently detected in the USA [35]. The presence of B. miyamotoi DNA was confirmed by real-time PCR. Even though sequences from this bacteria have previously been amplified from I. ricinus in Sweden, France and Slovakia [21], [36], it has never thus far been associated with disease in Europe.