collecte section Bourgogne

for neurotoxins

for neurotoxins with candida:

>>>The mineral molybdenum, available in capsule form, can dramatically aid in the detoxification of the toxins caused by the dysfunction of multiple tissues in chronic illness. Molybdenum is very useful for detoxifying the toxin aldehyde from the die-off of Candida-type yeast. This is important to Lyme sufferers because aldehydes are considered neurotoxins, or nerve poisons. Aldehydes are also the toxins responsible for the hangover experienced by drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. I know of many Lyme patients who complain of this hung-over feeling without having drunk any alcohol. (However, it is our experience that molybdenum will not detoxify the specific Bb toxin.) Even though Lyme sufferers should use molybdenum to get rid of the aldehyde toxins, they also need to drink plenty of purified water to keep the everyday metabolic toxins flushed out of the tissues. Taking molybdenum will help slow the degeneration of tissues and related symptoms from the toxic overload>>>