collecte section Bourgogne

How These Four Strategies Reduce Bartonella Eye Pain

How These Four Strategies Reduce Bartonella Eye Pain
by Greg...
For people with persistent eye problems due to Bartonella that are not resolving with antibiotics....

Using multiple anti-Bartonella treatments can quickly reduce the pain and inflammation associated with this infection
Just like shooting an arrow into the bull’s-eye of the target, using multiple anti-Bartonella treatments of Frequency Specific Microcurrent, acupuncture, laser delivered homeopathics, and ultra-pure moxabustion can target specific areas and relieve the pain, inflammation, and hot discomfort of a Bartonella infection. Since these treatments require specialized training to be used safely, please consult a Lyme literate Chinese medicine practitioner to see if these are a good fit for eliminating your Bartonella symptoms.

- Greg