collecte section Bourgogne

Weltweit gehen wieder Borreliose-Patienten auf die Straße. Deutschland und beteiligt sich ebenfalls.

Weltweit gehen wieder Borreliose-Patienten auf die Straße. Deutschland und beteiligt sich ebenfalls.
Nachfolgend die Informationen zu den 5 deutschen Städten in denen Proteste stattfinden werden.
Dies darf gerne geteilt und weitergesagt werden! 

Zeckenstich-Borreliose. Betroffene fordern am 17. Mai bessere medizinische Versorgung im Rahmen...

Im Rahmen der zum zweiten Mal stattfindenden weltweiten Protestaktionen (worldwide Lyme protest) von Borreliose-Patienten ruft das...

Babesia in ticks in Eastern France various genera found

Babesia in ticks in Eastern France various genera found

Ryde for Lyme 2014 - Sign Up Today!

Join us for Ryde for Lyme, a special event within the Marin Century. All riders are welcome! There will be distances for all abilities of riders, from 30 miles to the traditional Century (100 miles). There will be special...

The alkaline brain: Dietary concerns in lyme-borreliosis

The alkaline brain: Dietary concerns in lyme-borreliosis

Dr. Richard Horowitz will be Alan Chartock's guest on-air for a conversation about Lyme disease and other Tick-Borne diseases on WAMC Northeast Public Radio, Thursday, April 3 at 1:00

Dr. Richard Horowitz will be Alan Chartock's guest on-air for a conversation about Lyme disease and other Tick-Borne diseases on WAMC Northeast Public Radio, Thursday, April 3 at 1:00. (This show was taped a few days ago, so this is not a call-in program.) Alan Chartock promised to question Horowitz in depth about many of the Lyme issues, and Dr. Horowitz is up for the challenge. Please forward this notice, and please share with your DOCTORS!!!
Dr. Horowitz is an internationally recognized expert on Lyme disease and the other TBD's. Drawing upon his 25 years in practice working with over 12,000 patients, Dr. Horowitz has developed a new successful diagnosis and treatment protocol to help people suffering from chronic diseases, including Lyme disease. He is the author of the NY Times Best Seller "Why Can't I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease", published by Macmillan Press.
The program will be available on the radio, on streaming, and from the WAMC website after broadcast.
PLEASE let WAMC know that we appreciate their attention to the subject of Lyme disease. This is the second time in a month that they have invited Dr. Horowitz on to discuss this subject. It is of great benefit to ALL of us!! Thank you Alan Chartock and WAMC and thank you Dr. Horowitz!
The WAMC channels are below:
WAMC 90.3 FM - Albany, NY
WAMC 1400 AM - Albany, NY
WAMK 90.9 FM - Kingston, NY
WOSR 91.7 FM - Middletown, NY
WCEL 91.9 FM - Plattsburgh, NY
WCAN 93.3 FM - Canajoharie, NY
WANC 103.9 FM - Ticonderoga, NY
WRUN 90.3 FM - Remsen-Utica, NY
WAMQ 105.1 FM - Great Barrington, MA
WWES 88.9 FM - Mt. Kisco, NY
WANZ 90.1 FM - Stamford, NY
WANR 88.5 FM - Brewster, NY
103.9 FM - Beacon, NY
97.3 FM - Cooperstown, NY
96.5 FM - Ellenville, NY
102.1 FM - Highland, NY
97.1 FM - Hudson, NY
88.7 FM - Lake Placid, NY
106.3 FM - Middletown, NY
90.9 FM - Milford, PA
107.7 FM - Newburgh, NY
99.3 FM - Oneonta, NY
90.1 FM - Oneonta, NY
93.1 FM - Rensselaer-Troy, NY
107.1 FM - Warwick, NY
106.3 FM - Dover Plains, NY

whole body hyperthermia at home

The whole process takes around 3 to 4 hours and has a multitude of beneficial effects. Detoxification. Due to extreme sweating during the treatment this is like a sauna on steroids....

"Wenn Sie an unklaren Beschwerden leiden oder schon einmal eine Borreliose oder einen Zeckenstich hatten und Ihre Krankheit bekämpfen möchten, dann wird diese Seite die wohl wichtigste sein, die Sie dazu finden werden. Auch wenn Sie eine Borreliose nur bei sich vermuten, sollten Sie unbedingt weiter lesen

"Wenn Sie an unklaren Beschwerden leiden oder schon einmal eine Borreliose oder einen Zeckenstich hatten und Ihre Krankheit bekämpfen möchten, dann wird diese Seite die wohl wichtigste sein, die Sie dazu finden werden. Auch wenn Sie eine Borreliose nur bei sich vermuten, sollten Sie unbedingt weiter lesen:
Eine Wanderröte nach einem Zeckenstich braucht keinen Spezialisten, sondern nur eine Therapie.
Aber was ist mit Erkrankungen wie „Rheuma“, „Fibromyalgie“, „Multiple Sklerose“, "Depression", "Alzheimer", "ALS", „Herzrhythmusstörungen“ und „Herzinsuffizienz“, die alle etwas gemeinsam haben: eine vage Vermutung über die Ursachen oder die Frustration, dass niemand nach einer Ursache sucht. Somit unterbleiben Therapien, die kurativ sein könnten, also die Erkrankungen ausheilen.
Die Symptomtherapie mit Immunsuppressiva, Antirheumatika und Psychopharmaka kostet jährlich 7 Milliarden Euro (,-) allein in Deutschland. Patienten werden abgestempelt und als therapieresistent aus dem Leben gezogen (Berentung, Pflegeheim, Arbeitsunfähigkeit).
Der soziale Abstieg ist vorprogrammiert. Eine kausale Therapie (Ursachentherapie) wird nicht durchgeführt, weil nicht danach gesucht wird. Zunächst werden Kosten gespart. Langfristig sind die Kosten für das Sozialsystem mindestens 10x höher."

Words of wisdom from Toni Bernhard: "The consequences of having dual residence—in the world inhabited by the healthy and in the invisible world of the chronically ill."

Words of wisdom from Toni Bernhard: "The consequences of having dual residence—in the world inhabited by the healthy and in the invisible world of the chronically ill."
The chronically ill and those who care for them often live in an invisible world

'In case you missed it, here are the details for the UK's part in the Worldwide Lyme Disease Protest 2014. We'll be meeting on 16th May in Manchester'

'In case you missed it, here are the details for the UK's part in the Worldwide Lyme Disease Protest 2014. We'll be meeting on 16th May in Manchester'
In the UK, Lyme disease isn't well known and the mainstream view remains, especially amongst Infectious Disease consultants that the disease is hard to catch and easy to treat. The public are large...

Only antibiotics which are able to attack pathogens intracellularily should be chosen for therapy of chronic Lyme disease.

A Deficient Immune Response, Increased Levels of Epstein-Barr Virus Opens Up EBV Question...

Top 10 Chemicals Causing Autism and Neurotoxicity | Family Health Freedom Network

Top 10 Chemicals Causing Autism and NeurotoxicityPosted on March 29, 2014 by Family Health Freedom Network — Leave a replyOne thing is...

Yolanda Foster Brings Staggering Amount Of Medicine Treat Lyme Disease

Yolanda Foster Brings Staggering Amount Of Medicine On Trip To Malaysia To Treat Lyme Disease

yolanda pills lyme disease 

Nearly 1 in 3 cats in this Portuguese study were carrying very nasty microbes - including Babesia, Borrelia, Leishmania and many more

Nearly 1 in 3 cats in this Portuguese study were carrying very nasty microbes - including Babesia, Borrelia, Leishmania and many more
Feline vector-borne diseases (FVBD) have emerged in recent years, showing a wider geographic...

Viruses that Contribute to Lyme Symptoms

In an excerpt from his talk in Tysons Corner, Virginia, Swiss Physician Dr. Thomas Rau, speaks about other viruses that contribute to the symptoms of chronic...

Ticks can give both dogs and humans Lyme disease, but it is no more likely that a tick would transfer from pet to person than from human to hound.

Ticks can give both dogs and humans Lyme disease, but it is no more likely that a tick would transfer from pet to person than from human to hound.
The most common symptom is a red rash around the tick bite. Flu-like symptoms follow but if left untreated, Lyme disease can cause the joints to swell and lead to neurological problems.
Ticks that cause Lyme disease are commonly found in woodland and heath areas where dogs and their owners could be walking.'
And Bartonella often mistaken for a self limiting cat scratch disease which is not always the case.
As two people are found to have been infected with tuberculosis by cats, we look at what other diseases pets can pass on.

Severity of chronic Lyme disease

Severity of chronic Lyme disease
compared to other chronic conditions:
a quality of life survey

"Guest blogger Karl Ford collected infected ticks while hiking the Appalachian Trail, but kept himself tick-free.

"Guest blogger Karl Ford collected infected ticks while hiking the Appalachian Trail, but kept himself tick-free. "I wore permethrin-treated bug-net pants, a treated long-sleeved shirt and hat and had no ticks on my body at any time during the 140-day hike."
Guest blogger Karl Ford collected infected ticks while hiking the Appalachian Trail, but kept...

maladie de Lyme ,gare aux tiques ,émission du 27/03

Diseases We Share with Our Pets

The CDC reports that 70% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic – that is, transmitted from animals to humans. What many people do not know is that we actually share many of these diseases with our pets. As pet owners, we need to know what the risks are, how to prevent these diseases, and wh...

Andy Abrahams Wilson Under Our Skin - Lyme Less Live More

Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease filmmaker Andy Abrahams Wilson comes out from behind the camera in Lyme Less Live More's online event this weekend, including free streaming of Under Our Skin Saturday, access to interview with Andy all weekend, and live Q&A on Sunday.
How To Co-Exist with Illness and Lyme Treatment, interview with Andy Abrahams Wilson and Dana Walsh from Under Our Skin on Lyme Less Live...

Mieux connaître la borréliose de Lyme pour mieux la prévenir

Rest in peace, Beverly. My deepest sympathies go out to her family, may God guide them during this very difficult time.

Beverly Lynn Mooney, 33 years old, died on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 at her home in Castle Rock, CO. Beverly's battle with Lyme Disease lasted over 4 years. Her strong will to live, unwavering faith in God and the love and prayers of family, friends and many supporters made It possible for Beverly to be a loving wife and to raise her two beautiful children, Ethan, 6 years old, and Makayla, 4 years old.

There will be a Memorial Service this Saturday, March 29, 2014 at 10:30 am at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 7691 South University Blvd, Centennial CO 80122. Phone # 303 798 0711. Memorial donations can be made to: Beverly Mooney Memorial Fund, 1st Bank 4775 Front St
Castle Rock CO 80104.

Beverly was born on April 21, 1980 and married David Mooney. She has three sisters, Deanice Zoltak and Deavina Ewert and she is predeceased by her beloved sister Lena Thompson Bell. She also leaves behind her nephews and niece, Brian Bell, Jonathon Thompson, Westley Thompson and Alice Thompson who she loved as if they were her brothers and sister.

The loss of someone so young leaves a deep hole in our hearts but we are comforted in knowing she is in the loving hands of Jesus Christ
Our Savior and is reunited with her mother, June and sister Lena.
Memorial service
Saturday, March 29, 2014 | 10:30am
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
7691 South University Blvd, Centennial, Colorado 80124

Years of suffering now linked to Lyme disease

Sechelt The unexplainable illness that has plagued Rose Schwarz for the past 12 years, making her unable to digest food and eventually resulting in the...

This article on Tick Paralysis was just published in the medical journal Neurology. It describes the clinical manifestations in detail, and differential diagnoses to consider, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

This article on Tick Paralysis was just published in the medical journal Neurology. It describes the clinical manifestations in detail, and differential diagnoses to consider, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.

This could potentially have a devastating impact on those seeking treatment for a complicated and confusing list of symptoms related to tick-borne illness whether for themselves or their children..

This could potentially have a devastating impact on those seeking treatment for a complicated and confusing list of symptoms related to tick-borne illness whether for themselves or their children...
Comments from "Dr. Keith Ablow, of Tufts Medical School, on Justina Pelletier case: Once you've been labeled mentally ill, it can be tough to prove that you're not."
Dr. Keith Ablow, of Tufts Medical School, on Justina Pelletier case: Once you've been labeled mentally ill, it can be tough to prove that you're not.

Survey shows chronic Lyme disease patients suffer poor quality of life and high rates of disability & unemployment.

Survey shows chronic Lyme disease patients suffer poor quality of life and high rates of disability & unemployment.

"Beverly Lynn Mooney, 33 years old, died on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 at her home in Castle Rock, CO. Beverly's battle with Lyme Disease lasted over 4 years."

Our deepest condolences to the Mooney family.
"Beverly Lynn Mooney, 33 years old, died on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 at her home in Castle Rock, CO. Beverly's battle with Lyme Disease lasted over 4 years."

Another senseless loss for the Lyme community and a very grim reminder to what one tiny tick can do. The devastation it can have on your body can and does have deadly consequences. These diseases are often misdiagnosed so again, if you have been diagnosed with ANY autoimmune disorder, please find a Lyme literate doctor and get tested! Don't wait until it's too late.
Prayers for comfort and strength for the Mooney family during this time.

Beverly Lynn Mooney, 33 years old, died on Saturday, March 22nd, 2014 at her home in Castle Rock, CO. Beverly's battle with Lyme Diseaselasted over 4 years. Her strong will to live, unwavering faith in God and the love and prayers of family, friends and many supporters made It possible for Beverly t...

Dr Brian Fallon from Columbia University presented new research last night that shows that the Lyme spirochete can persist after antibiotic therapies.

Dr Brian Fallon from Columbia University presented new research last night that shows that the Lyme spirochete can persist after antibiotic therapies. This research joins numerous published peer review scientific articles that support persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in patients with ongoing symptoms despite seemingly "adequate" antibiotic therapy. A list of scientific references on the unreliability of blood tests for Lyme, as well as studies on persistence can be found in the reference section of my book, pgs 487-514.

Neuroinflammation in Patients with Chronic Fatigue

PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.