collecte section Bourgogne

A UK Lymie after being sick for 8 years and been diagnosed with ME, went to the new NHS Lyme clinic and was tested. She came back positive for Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Bacterial), Dengue Fever (Viral), West Nile (Viral), Japanese Encephalitis (Viral), and Tick Borne Encephalitis (also viral).

A UK Lymie after being sick for 8 years and been diagnosed with ME, went to the new NHS Lyme clinic and was tested. She came back positive for Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Bacterial), Dengue Fever (Viral), West Nile (Viral), Japanese Encephalitis (Viral), and Tick Borne Encephalitis (also viral).

Any of these on their own can be fatal, but Infectious Disease docs in this country can't get their head around chronic infections and generally don't accept them.

GP is treating the RMSF with 2 years of anti biotics but doesn't know how to treat the viruses.