collecte section Bourgogne

Patients with Lyme disease with chronic, resistant neurological symptoms, including encephalopathy and neuropathy, should be tested for Bartonella.

Patients with Lyme disease with chronic, resistant neurological symptoms, including encephalopathy and neuropathy, should be tested for Bartonella. These intracellular bacteria can be one of the persistent bacterial co-infections seen in Lyme-MSIDS patients. This article discusses 2 pathogenic species of Bartonella not previously reported, and the role of birds as a vector in spreading the illness. There are 30 Bartonella species/subspecies and 17 have been associated with human infections. This article highlights the role of migratory birds as a reservoir and/or mechanical vector for spreading many different infections (borrelia, anaplasma, bartonella, rickettsia, and tick-borne encephalitis virus) worldwide, and the fact that many of these species/strains are pathogenic (and not easily detected on standard commercial laboratory testing!). Future research needs to be done on Lyme-MSIDS patients to determine all of the different bacteria, viruses and parasites contributing to ongoing illness.

Dr Horowitz