collecte section Bourgogne

Jessica Bernstein and Dr Dennis Bernstein did an article on the preponderance of women with Lyme disease and how this disease is spreading across the US

Jessica Bernstein and Dr Dennis Bernstein did an article on the preponderance of women with Lyme disease and how this disease is spreading across the US. This article profiles a film maker, Sini Anderson, her struggle with Lyme, and the need for better testing and insurance coverage. The article highlights the number of women being affected, and the need for a comprehensive support system to help women who are too sick to advocate for themselves. I have reached out to insurance companies in the past to meet with them and help create guidelines that would improve the diagnosis and treatment of complex tick-borne illness, and lower health care costs. This took place recently, and also at the Congressional public forum sponsored by Congressman Chris Gibson 2 years ago.
KPFA host of Flashpoints Dennis Bernstein interviewed feminist filmmaker Sini Anderson about her upcoming documentary on Lyme disease from a feminist perspective.