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Lyme disease –induced polyradiculopathy mimicking amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, International...

Lyme disease and Lou Gehrig's: Virginia doctors have published another case report: "Lyme disease –induced polyradiculopathy mimicking amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" The paper from the International Journal of Neuroscience is linked below.
Dr. David Martz seen on the documentary, Under Our Skin; Steve Smith of the Los Angeles Raiders; Pat Pepper former Mayor of West Palm Beach, Florida...these are just a few of the more publicized cases of people diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Lyme Borreliosis.
Through the years, Georgia Lyme Disease Association has received several reports from Georgia patients diagnosed with both ALS and Lyme disease. Dozens of other advocacy groups report hearing the same from people in their perspective areas. Many medical providers see patients diagnosed with both conditions, too.
The stories we've heard from ALS patients are shocking and troubling: They are given the horrible diagnosis and told nothing can be done. But when they dare to inquire as to whether Lyme disease may play a role, some patients are actually scoffed at and belittled by doctors...even doctors at prestigious centers that claim they "specialize" in ALS. They give the patients no answers, won't look at any evidence and angrily refuse to even consider that a treatable infectious disease may play a role in some of these cases. They admit they don't have the answers but then they literally shut the door and lock it, without ever even considering that the answer may be behind the door.
Shouldn't these patients be studied? Shouldn't they be given a choice and a chance instead of being sent home with nothing?
Please watch Dr. David Martz's speech about his own case and his research here:
Dr. Martz's work, the new paper linked below and several others prove that more research is warranted. If all ALS cases were thoroughly investigated in a "tick-borne disease open-minded way," imagine what doors may be unlocked! We may find answers and may be able to get real help to many of these people!
Importance: To describe a case of predominantly motor polyradiculopathy secondary to Lyme disease that can mimic motor neuron disease and has been rarely reported. Observations: A 64-year-old man presented with a 1-month history of rapidly progressive weakness involving bulbar, upper limb and lower…