'There does seem to be a lot of confusion around what to do if you get a tick bite. And given my experience down the long, rutted, windy, washed out road of chronic Lyme, knowing that if I could change the past I would (i.e. eradicated the buggers before a deep set infection requiring YEARS of antibiotics set in), I wrote back: GO TO URGENT CARE AND GET ON ANTIBIOTICS ASAP.
So for next time, you or I get a message like this, here's a post you can refer your friends and family to. The best resource out there is Dr. Burrascano's Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease from the International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society site. On page 19, He reccomends antibiotics for 28 days if you just get a tick bite, and six weeks if there's a rash. In the Appendix on page 32, is the rational for treating ANY tick bite'