collecte section Bourgogne

Tribute to Lyme Friends Everywhere Thank you to all who understand us, care for us and make our lives better in so many ways.

Our 7th And Final Report!
With Very Special Thanks To You!
Saturday, May 31, 2014
You Did It!
Congratulations &
Thank You Very Much!!!
Update- Saturday, May 31, 2014-
Thanks to your efforts and your kind donations, in just two weeks you've managed to reach the $45,0000 goal for Dr. Jones, and then some! This is absolutely amazing! More than amazing! It is super wonderful! Thank you so very much!!!
Grateful & Relieved- There is no doubt Dr. Jones is both relieved and very grateful to all who care about him and his special angels. And because of your efforts children will now have an opportunity to continue to be treated by the best Lyme pediatrician in the world, something every child deserves.
I personally thank all of you-
parents, volunteer patient advocates, support group leaders, patients, concerned citizens, families, care givers and health care professionals-
who have stepped up now and in the past to support Dr. Jones over the years.
With this effort it is easy to see when we work together we can do it! T
hank you so very much!!!
This short video was put together a while back as a tribute to those who have worked so hard to help so many. I'd like to share it with you again now because, well, because those who keep fighting this battle are so very special in so many ways. You truly are.
>> Donations Transfered To Dr. Jones from Pay Pal <<
>> Donations Mailed to Dr. Jones by U.S. Postal Service <<


>> Donations Currently in Pay Pal Account <<
>> Donations Sent To Indigo Account Before it Expired <<
>> Fees- Donated <<
Please Note- The Pay Pal account will be available for use until Tuesday, June 3, 2014. At that time the donations will be tallied and sent to Dr. Jones. You are certainly welcome to continue to donate at anytime by sending a check directly to the office. Info to do so can be found at the following link.

Thank you to all who understand us, care for us and make our lives better in so many ways.