collecte section Bourgogne

Update on Adelle Huckins who has flown to the US for Lyme treatment, after appealing for funds for nearly 2 years.

Update on Adelle Huckins who has flown to the US for Lyme treatment, after appealing for funds for nearly 2 years. What a great achievement to have raised the funds helped by her family and friends.
Such good news - but a terrible indictment of the total lack of treatment for Lyme patients in Britain
** An update from Adelle **
Adelle has arrived safe & sound in America, after 30 hours of travelling, obviously very tired and apprehensive of what is to come.
After a restless night’s sleep she has now attended her initial appointment with her assigned consultant, the appointment lasted 3 hours and was very thorough. For the first time that she can actually remember she has been taken seriously, listened to, examined & spoken to like a woman that is desperately ill, other Lymies and people suffering from chronic illnesses will relate to this.
The consultant took the time to show Adelle her blood under a dark field microscopy, which was fascinating for both Adelle and husband Rob. He went onto explain that her blood is very fibrous and coagulates too quick and without reason. She doesn’t have enough white blood cells, the ones she does have aren’t big enough. Her red blood cells are uneven with a lot of dead red cells but this is not too much of a concern. She has a very heavy active Lyme infection & also a heavy infection of Babesia (a malaria type of infection).
Straight after the appointment she had an I V line fitted and was started on a course of an antibiotic drug called Rocephin, which she will remain on twice a day. The next step is ozone therapy followed by a further antibiotic called Zithromax to be introduced in a few days. After all this she will be referred to a hospital to have a Hickman line inserted to administer drugs direct to her heart, yikes!
And that’s not it, the consultant said her adrenals are shot and has therefore prescribed gabapentin to try and help her sleep on a night with the aim of kick starting her adrenals into working correctly. As she has lost her gallbladder through Lyme Disease, she should have really been taking a bile supplement to enable her gut & endocrine system to work correctly, so medication has been prescribed for this!
At the moment she is very very scared, feeling sickly after the I V, tired, suffering from vertigo and has a throbbing head. But she is very determined, being more than brave & staying strong to fight this every step of the way, she will not let it beat her no way!
Adelle would like to thank everyone for their kind words, she has been totally overwhelmed by the comments & support she has received, it has really made a difference to her outlook & it really drives her on with more determination than ever.
As soon as we hear anymore we will keep you updated but for now please continue to send your good wishes to Adelle, they really make a difference & help her along on the long journey of recovery from Lyme Disease, thank you  x