collecte section Bourgogne

The photomicrographs of Alz's brain and those infected by neurospirochetosis are EXACTLY THE SAME.

Everyone should know the work of Judith Miklossy. Pubmed it. Always reference number three.
The photomicrographs of Alz's brain and those infected by neurospirochetosis are EXACTLY THE SAME.
The inflammation from intracellular infection causes the amyloid to accumulate. This is seen in the eye as a senile cataract. It was also reported on CBS news last night, as amyloid deposition on the retina, seen 20 years prior to the development of dementia.
All providers can make eye information, available from the patient's opthalomogist, as a method of tracking long term inflammation treatment, and effects on cataract size changes, as well as the retinal nerve fibrogram.
Dr. Clem Trempe....... found that such treatment of intracellular infection will result in cataract improvement and improvement in cognitive decline. My review of the records finds improvements in visual acuity about 80 percent of the time. He also finds 85% positive antibody tests to intracellular infections, with 45% more than a single infection. (This sounds familiar for those acquainted with the co-infection rate in Lyme.)
I use information from ILADS to help reverse the cataract decline, as well as the cognitive decline, as Lyme disease is the quintessential, and as far as I can tell, best understood intracellular infection.
So there is hope.
We can on our own, individually begin to treat and reverse Alzheimer's.
Do not wait for the federal government.
Do not trust in single interventions. We know from Lyme that it is best treated with a combined approach.
Do not stop. Proceed. For anyone that wants help in establishing such a clinic, and there are patients who will pay, feel free to reply.
P. James Seberger, M.D., Ph.D. 

Thanks to Lyme Sentinel Blog for sharing -
View Clement Trempe's business profile as Head Scientist With the Center for Healthy Aging at New England Eye Institute and see work history, affiliations and more.