complications are well known in Lyme disease. It frequently causes
chest pain and palpitations, and occasionally can cause heart block with
Lyme carditis, which can be fatal. Rarely, patients will develop a
cardiomyopathy, where the heart muscle becomes weak, leading to severe
congestive heart failure. That was the case with Dr Neil Spector, an MD
who developed Lyme disease, and had difficulty getting diagnosed because
of insensitive blood tests, along with denial of the disease by the
medical profession in his home state. I discuss Lyme and cardiomyopathy
on pages 272-275 of "Why Can't I Get Better?", in chapter 10, Lyme and
Mitochondrial Dysfunction.
summer in full swing, it's time to take precautions against tick bites.
Lyme Disease, spread by the black-legged tick, is on the rise in North