
Atteinte de la borréliose chronique persistante , babesia et bartonella ; le déni est grand , battons nous pour la faire connaitre la borréliose de lyme et ses coinfections ; 8 ans de bi et tri therapies d'antibiotiques auxquels j'ai ajouté une partie du protocole Buhner et autres http://francelyme.fr
collecte section Bourgogne
Big Tick Project I Home
In the UK, Public Health England estimates the number of new Lyme Disease cases each year at around 3,000 while Lyme Disease charities say the figure could even be as high as 15,000 annually. However, the majority of people are...
Extrait de "Face à Lyme - journal d'un naufrage", de Élisabeth Le Saux
A l'automne 2006, je viens de fêter mes 40 ans, il y a quelques mois, et suis censée être dans la force de l'âge, c'est-à-dire en pleine possession de mes moyens physiques. Or, comme par un fait exprès, je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi fatiguée... particulièrement en ce samedi 27 novembre.
13 heures
Alors que je finis la vaisselle de midi, penchée sur l'évier, de violents vertiges me prennent, comme si le sol montait et descendait ou plutôt, que mon corps basculait d'avant en arrière. Le malaise est tel que je décide d'aller m'allonger un peu, par crainte de rester debout et m'évanouir. Je monte péniblement les marches, tant la sensation de déséquilibre est forte, mais parviens à gagner la chambre. Là, étendue sur le lit, je tente de reprendre mes esprits, même si je pressens déjà qu'un mécanisme vient de céder – mais lequel ?
Serais-je en train de faire une rupture d'anévrysme comme ma sœur, Bénédicte, il y a quinze ans ?
14 heures
La sonnerie du téléphone retentit en bas, dans la salle à manger. À demi assoupie, je réalise soudain que Chloé m'attend à l'école de musique et entreprends de me lever pour répondre. À peine ai-je commencé de descendre l'escalier que mon corps, de nouveau, bascule en avant, m'entraînant au bas des marches. Tout l'espace se met à tourner autour de moi, dans un criblement d'éclairs aveuglants et une salve de vomissements irrépressibles. La tête choquée, je pense alors que je suis en train de mourir...
Je suis aux arrêts. Enfermée dans ma propre maison. Condamnée au repos forcé. Travailler sur écran est devenu une torture. Le seul déplacement du curseur m'occasionne instantanément des étourdissements. Et la sensation d'étau est telle que j'ai l'impression de porter un casque en permanence, un heaume de plomb, impossible à retirer. Corriger tout court est devenu extrêmement difficile. Mon cerveau semble baigner dans un brouillard perpétuel, peinant à lire les mots, déchiffrer leur sens, articuler les phrases. L'exercice même de mon métier est compromis puisque les principales qualités requises, à savoir l'attention et la concentration, me font désormais défaut. Je constate avec effarement mon incapacité, tant physique qu'intellectuelle, à mener à bien les relectures qui me sont confiées, dans les délais impartis. Le stress s'installe, l'agressivité gagne, je devient aussi un autre : les collègues ne reconnaissent plus Élisabeth et Élisabeth elle-même ne se reconnaît plus. Les arrêts maladie se multiplient, entre confusion et culpabilité. Car je constate, avec tout autant d'effarement, mon incapacité à nommer le mal dont je souffre, donc à justifier mes absences répétées. Dans les couloirs des bureaux, tandis que je tente de récupérer au lit, on brode sur le motif dépression, ce fourre-tout qui délie les langues et comble les vides : Élisabeth, la dévouée correctrice, n'a plus envie. Et Élisabeth a envie de leur dire : Je suis lessivée. Merci de ne pas m'oublier dans la machine à laver, ou je vais me noyer. Pensez à essorer de temps en temps, en prenant de mes nouvelles. Mais même mon humour coutumier m'a abandonnée. Et, une fois la question des dossiers réglée, plus personne, ou presque, ne décroche son combiné. Sauf mon patron, qui fait pression et m'appelle en soirée, une fois toutes les oreilles écartées : D'où viennent tes problèmes ? Je n'ai rien à lui répondre d'objectif, de tangible, de mesurable et ce vide médical finira, précisément, par causer ma perte. Aux yeux de la direction, ma supposée dépression est jugée sans retour. Le 30 mars 2010, je dois cesser définitivement mes fonctions au sein de la société d'édition où j'ai accompli, près de vingt ans durant, de bons et loyaux services. Motif : licenciement. Je suis passée au nettoyage à sec.
Extrait de "Face à Lyme - journal d'un naufrage", de Élisabeth Le Saux
- Par phillis - 30/08/2015 - 11:31M. 21 ans n'a pas eu votre chanceIl y a un eu 2 ans au mois de mai, M.21 ans est décédée des séquelles de la maladie de Lyme. Il ne s'agit pas d'une histoire que l'on m'a racontée mais que j'ai vécu de très près car il s'agissait d'une amie de mes enfants. Par 3 fois elle était allée aux urgences CHU Reims car souffrant de violentes douleurs dans le bras gauche. Ce vendredi nous l'avons vu revenant pour la deuxième fois du CHU et les examens pratiqués ne montraient semble-t-il qu'un foyer infectieux aux poumons. Elle dormit chez mes enfants puis le samedi compte tenu de leur absence retourna dans son foyer. Son état s'étant détérioré dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche ses amis la conduirent de nouveau à l'hôpital où une coronarographie fut décidée car modification des analyses. Dès que l'iode fut injectée l'aorte lâcha et malgré tous les efforts des médecins elle ne pu être réanimée. Traumatisé le cardiologue demanda à pratiquer une autopsie car elle avait un coeur de "vieille". La maladie de Lyme était responsable!!! La bactérie avait attaquée le coeur. Les parents n'ont pas souhaité médiatiser cette affaire souhaitant aller de l'avant pour leurs autres enfants. C'était une fille superbe au moral comme au physique
Found frozen high in the Alps for and estimated 5,000 years, the Ice Man was said to be murdered, and to be infected with Borrelia.
Found frozen high in the Alps for and estimated 5,000 years, the Ice Man was said to be murdered, and to be infected with Borrelia.
“Because the procedure was so meticulous, the D.N.A.extracted is remarkably pure; 97 percent is ötzi's. But there is a mysterious three percent that clearly does not belong to him.
Found frozen high in the Alps for and estimated 5,000 years, the Ice Man was said to be murdered, and to be infected with Borrelia.
“Because the procedure was so meticulous, the D.N.A.extracted is remarkably pure; 97 percent is ötzi's. But there is a mysterious three percent that clearly does not belong to him.
TIM HARKINS: We found an interesting surprise when we looked at this
contamination; a significant portion of the contamination was actually
attributable to a microbe that causes Lyme disease.
NARRATOR: Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria, spread to humans by ticks. Untreated, its symptoms can include muscle weakness and serious swelling of the joints and arthritis. While Lyme disease is common today, the microbial D.N.A.contained within ítzi's genes is proof that the disease is at least as old as the Stone Age. It is the oldest trace of Lyme disease ever identified.”
NARRATOR: Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria, spread to humans by ticks. Untreated, its symptoms can include muscle weakness and serious swelling of the joints and arthritis. While Lyme disease is common today, the microbial D.N.A.contained within ítzi's genes is proof that the disease is at least as old as the Stone Age. It is the oldest trace of Lyme disease ever identified.”
Loudoun students work to extinguish Lyme disease worldwide
Hopefully these HS students aren’t being duped out of “BILLIONS” if they make a medical discovery, that will be “sold” to help people, netting the drug company a...
Lyme Disease Association: Retract your invitation to Britain's Leading Lyme Denialist, Tim...
Dr. Tim Brooks , Britain's 'Allen Steere', is in charge of Lyme Disease diagnostics in the UK. He espouses all the flawed policies of CDC/IDSA that have led to the...
Lyme disease is vastly under-reported, CDC says
Government researchers say the tick-borne disease is far more common than previously believed
This informative article below has been written by...
"While some celebrities have been open about their experiences with Lyme disease, most have preferred to keep their illness from the public, which is understandable given the stigma associated with chronic Lyme."
Among the more than 300,000 cases of Lyme disease every year, there are more than a few celebrities.
All she lost: My sister's battle with Lyme disease
Sometime in the mid 1990s, my sister contracted Lyme disease and for the next 10 years battled misdiagnosis and unbearable side effects. Finally,...
The Top Natural Treatments for Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a complicated infection, tough to diagnose and even harder to treat if doctors miss an early diagnosis, which is all too often the case. Lyme disease treatment is tricky because the most popular blood tests used in most...
Have you suffered with debilitating fatigue, anxiety & overall unwellness due to toxic mold exposure?
Have you suffered with debilitating fatigue, anxiety & overall unwellness due to toxic mold exposure? Regaining health from chronic fatigue
Lyme disease declared endemic in Kanawha County
What Is Lyme Disease? (Video)
Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted via the bite of an infected tick. Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. Most...
Scientific evidence that Alzheimer's results from brain infection
very good summary by Bob Cowart, of what we can say about the scientific evidence for Lyme and Alzheimer's
Gare à la maladie de Lyme : un homme infecté à Vrémy
Cutaneous Lesions Due to Bites by Lone Star Ticks
[Lyme] Western Blots Made Easy
In my recent past articles I discussed the 11 new human Babesia species, the problem some have removing Lyme's surface biotoxins, the trouble with having indoor mold while treating tick infections, and I mentioned that Bartonella has 30...
"If you see a Western Blot 18 antibody that has a positive, you have Lyme. You do not need to check any other bands, because the 18 antibody is highly specific to Lyme - just like double tusks on an elephant." -Dr. James Schaller, MD
"If you see a Western Blot 18 antibody that has a positive, you have Lyme. You do not need to check any other bands, because the 18 antibody is highly specific to Lyme - just like double tusks on an elephant." -Dr. James Schaller, MD
Is Lyme disease the new Plague?
Is Lyme disease the new Plague?
"I can’t tell you how many people come to see me complaining of joint aches, malaise, and fatigue and have been to see many doctors before me without any answers. But after I test them it turns out to be Lyme. (And all too often, even if your doctor does test you for Lyme, he or she won’t test you for the other co-infections that can present along with Lyme, such as babesiosis or erlichisosis. Both of which can often cause life-long debilitating illness.)"
The study I read today almost sounds like a plot for a creepy sci-fi movie. It went something like this: “Black-legged ticks are spreading a vector-borne illness throughout the US, infecting thousa...
Is Lyme disease the new Plague?
"I can’t tell you how many people come to see me complaining of joint aches, malaise, and fatigue and have been to see many doctors before me without any answers. But after I test them it turns out to be Lyme. (And all too often, even if your doctor does test you for Lyme, he or she won’t test you for the other co-infections that can present along with Lyme, such as babesiosis or erlichisosis. Both of which can often cause life-long debilitating illness.)"
yes !!!!!!! it really is
remember I never got a rash , like more than 50 % OF THE POPULATION
b3 lyme disease Archives - Chronicles Of Borrelia
Miraculous Benefits of B3 Niacinamide Posted on January 16, 2013 by D
Arthur Reply Benefits of B3 Niacinamide One of the newest supplements
for Lyme disease is ordinary B3 niacinamide/niacin, in large doses. In
addition to Fucoydon, B3...
beware , take the non flush one ..............
Carcassonne : Attaque de tiques sur le square Gambetta
Utah drug research company, Curza, takes aim at Lyme disease
8 Signs and Symptoms Of Lyme Disease You Should Know
I do not agree with the article saying 60-70% get a rash...it is much
less than that from what Ive researched and heard and seen from so many
with Lyme disease. Many people don't even know they have been bitten by a
But the rest of the article is informative......
But the rest of the article is informative......
Singer Avril Lavigne puts spotlight on Lyme disease
Disease is so misunderstood... many Lyme sufferers can look outwardly
to others as if nothing is wrong...but the opposite is true...it's
devastating how it feels to those of us who have it."
ILADS International Lyme Disease Conferences - professionals share their knowledge of the management of Lyme, Babesia, Erlichia, Bartonella and other lyme associated diseases.
A New York Times article written in 1993 that reads as if it were written today!! Over 20 years on and the same story!! It's maddening!
A New York Times article written in 1993 that reads as if it were written today!! Over 20 years on and the same story!! It's maddening!
FROM her bed at Northern Westchester Hospital Center, Vicki Logan begs to differ with academic scientists who claim that there is no such thing as...
Anti-histamine drug Claritin can kill Borrelia by interfering with manganese utilization
Anti-histamine drug Claritin can kill Borrelia by interfering with manganese utilization
Two anti-histamine drugs were found to block manganese utilization in Borrelia, which it uses for...
Sexual transmission of Lyme disease: challenging the tickborne disease paradigm, Expert Review...
Lyme disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi has become a major worldwide...
Globetrotting Children’s Book Explores Beauty of Barbados, Raising Vital Awareness for Lyme Disease
Globetrotting Children’s Book Explores Beauty of Barbados, Raising Vital Awareness for Lyme Disease Each year millions of people flood to Barbados for...
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