collecte section Bourgogne

Is Lyme disease the new Plague?

Is Lyme disease the new Plague?
"I can’t tell you how many people come to see me complaining of joint aches, malaise, and fatigue and have been to see many doctors before me without any answers. But after I test them it turns out to be Lyme. (And all too often, even if your doctor does test you for Lyme, he or she won’t test you for the other co-infections that can present along with Lyme, such as babesiosis or erlichisosis. Both of which can often cause life-long debilitating illness.)"

The study I read today almost sounds like a plot for a creepy sci-fi movie. It went something like this: “Black-legged ticks are spreading a vector-borne illness throughout the US, infecting thousa...

Is Lyme disease the new Plague?
"I can’t tell you how many people come to see me complaining of joint aches, malaise, and fatigue and have been to see many doctors before me without any answers. But after I test them it turns out to be Lyme. (And all too often, even if your doctor does test you for Lyme, he or she won’t test you for the other co-infections that can present along with Lyme, such as babesiosis or erlichisosis. Both of which can often cause life-long debilitating illness.)"

yes !!!!!!! it really is
remember I never got a rash , like more than 50 % OF THE POPULATION