collecte section Bourgogne

Maladie de Lyme : enfin un test de dépistage prometteur !

mais d'après le Dr RICHARD HOROWITZ

There is a need to accurately identify at early stages of illness not only Lyme disease, but multiple associated co-infections. The Tick-Borne Disease Serochip may help to improve diagnostic accuracy for certain tick-borne diseases, but because it is based on antibody production, it may not always pick up Lyme at an early stage, nor other borrelia species from the sensu lato group, nor other Babesia species, Ehrlichia species, or rickettsial species. It also is not testing for Bartonella, which are frequently finding as a co-infection in our sickest patients, or Tularemia, which we occasionally find co-infecting our patients. The ability however to raise awareness among health care professionals regarding the existence of co-infections, is an important first step.