collecte section Bourgogne

the incredible amounts of borrelia in the blood of this family are due to a concurrent borrelia miyamotoi, mayonii, or other relapsing fever strain.

AO Borrelia
I can come to no other conclusion that the incredible amounts of borrelia in the blood of this family are due to a concurrent borrelia miyamotoi, mayonii, or other relapsing fever strain. This boy has borrelia burgdorferi as verified through Bb-specific antibodies and DNA testing; but the incredible amounts, aggregate ability, L-forms, and other forms found in his blood may likely be from this concurrent infection. There is not presently good DNA testing for these strains - Dr. Alan MacDonald developed a FISH DNA test for both of the aforementioned strains, which is not commercially available. The frequency of Dr. MacDonald's finding these concurrent relapsing fever strains while he performed FISH tests before he retired, added to the body of evidence that persistent and resistant lyme disease may often be attributed to these strains. Look for all kinds of squares in the aggregation, as the Dr. Sapi et al. previous post revealed. Aggregate borrelia make right angles, squares, and triangles. The L-forms in this sample were outrageous and will be in a future video. ALSO, THIS BOY DOES HAVE AN ADDITIONAL UNIDENTIFIED BORRELIA STRAIN BESIDES Bb, AS A SCIENTIST WHO DID SOME DNA TESTING IDENTIFIED IT AS BORRELIA, BUT DID NOT FIND A GENBANK MATCH. NEW KIND OF BORELLIA? VARIATION ON A RELAPSING FEVER STRAIN?