collecte section Bourgogne

Penny Lane on Her Morgellons Disease Doc, The Pain of Others

Filmmaker Penny Lane has made a documentary about Morgellons Disease called "The Pain of Others", which approaches the subject matter from a totally different perspective than our film "Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons." But Ms. Lane has spoken up in her latest interview in Filmmaker Magazine: "The mainstream says there’s nothing physiological happening and that it is all a delusion, but the mainstream is often wrong. I won’t pretend to take the blatant pseudoscience or conspiracy theories seriously; that is not required of me intellectually or ethically. But I do believe there is a real possibility that there exists a skin condition producing the fibers that are the key diagnostic of Morgellons. A small number of scientists are investigating this very plausible theory, despite the scorn heaped upon them by the mainstream. In the meantime, a lot of people whose suffering and pain is not currently understood by their doctors to be “real” are drawn toward the clarity of a Morgellons (or chronic Lyme, or ME, or MCS) diagnosis. As Anne Carson said (I think), 'One of the principle qualities of pain is that it demands an explanation.'"