collecte section Bourgogne

These are images from an unpublished case of an 11 year old girl with "MS". Unfortunately her condition was allowed to progress to the point where she was restricted to a wheelchair.

These are images from an unpublished case of an 11 year old girl with "MS". Unfortunately her condition was allowed to progress to the point where she was restricted to a wheelchair.
There was no need for a brain biopsy or spinal fluid because her blood was loaded with three pathogens.
Completely invisible with normal blood stains and invisible with normal light microscopy, this girl's blood using species specific DNA FISH stains showed the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia myamotoi, and nematode parasites. (Using Cytochrome-5 stain) and actin-green stain.
Using Actin stain the outline of nematode eggs could be seen.
Using FISH stain for Borrelia flagellin B a round body is clearly seen. The role of round bodies, L-Forma, and granular forms is unclear and may play a role in alternative reproductive methods or to increase survival rate when attacked by host immune systems?