collecte section Bourgogne

fter his cats had fleas, a man developed fever, fatigue, myalgia and other symptoms and blurred vision with optic disk swelling and a macular star pattern. Bartonellosis was confirmed by serology and PCR and treatment resolved the symptoms. NEW/FREE: A case of Bartonella neuroretinitis with macular star diagnosed by clinical, epidemiological,... The differential diagnosis of optic neuritis is broad and varied. We report the case of a 24-year-old Brazilian man who presented with five-week history of fever, malaise, myalgia, severe fatigue,...

After his cats had fleas, a man developed fever, fatigue, myalgia and other symptoms and blurred vision with optic disk swelling and a macular star pattern. Bartonellosis was confirmed by serology and PCR and treatment resolved the symptoms.