collecte section Bourgogne

call for government action to meet Lyme crisis

Hard-hitting editorial from the Poughkeepsie Journal calls for government action to meet Lyme crisis. (This is the newspaper that did excellent series on Lyme.)

NEWS: Newspaper calls government response to Lyme “callous and lacking”

19th February 2013

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In an editorial, the Poughkeepsie Journal takes government officials to task for inadequate action regarding Lyme disease.

From the Poughkeepsie Journal:
February 19, 2013

Editorial: Government should take some advice on Lyme

When it comes to tackling the vexing issue of fighting Lyme disease, the federal government can use all the good advice it can get.
Its response to date has been callous and lacking. There is no question that since Lyme was discovered in 1975, the medical community has struggled with how to handle the disease. In ways, government officials — not only on the federal level but through the states as well — have exacerbated the situation.
They have continued to rely far too much on guesswork to determine the number of those afflicted with the disease. And doctors actually have been threatened with sanctions and other penalties for treating Lyme aggressively, even though the medical community and government have no clear consensus about how to proceed. These outlandish trends have to stop.