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SAY YES to HB1933, Lyme Disease Testing Information Disclosure Bill & NO to any Veto or Amendment

Virginia residents only. You can collect signatures on paper petitions, asking the governor not to veto the Lyme bill. But make sure you follow the rules, or the signatures won't count.

National Capital Lyme & Tick-borne Disease Association
Offering Education and Support to those suffering from Lyme and tick-borne diseases
To View this message in  your web browser Click Here 

Spread the Word:

SAY YES to HB1933, Lyme Disease Testing
Information Disclosure Bill
NO to any Veto or Amendment 
You can help by collecting signatures on NatCapLyme’s written petition.  Unlike our electronic VoterVoice tool, you hand carry this paper petition to your work, church or neighborhood to collect signatures.  It is critical that you obtain actual signatures as well as names and addresses. 

Only petitions that include written signatures will be accepted by the Governor’s office.

For a printable petition click the green button

Then fax it with a cover sheet to
Gov. McDonnell at (804) 371-6351
Send your hard copy to the
National Capital Lyme Disease Association
 P.O. Box 8211 McLean, VA 22106

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