collecte section Bourgogne

Here are comments from the CDC's Director of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases response to the Poughkeepsie Journal's excellent series on Lyme Disease.

 Here are comments from the CDC's Director of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases response to the Poughkeepsie Journal's excellent series on Lyme Disease.

There are so many inconsistencies with scientific studies and the experiences of countless actual Lyme patients in this letter that they should be addressed item by item. The potential for harm or death to existing and potential future patients is immeasurable. 

It is interesting how his question referring to the clinical diagnosis of Lyme Disease, "How do people know if their chronic symptoms are due to Lyme disease?" seems to only apply to Lyme Disease but not many of the 300+ diseases Lyme Disease can mimic. 

If you have been affected by Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, we encourage you to comment on how these guidelines have affected you.