collecte section Bourgogne

Norwegian Lyme advocates meet with their Health Minister / Støre tar borreliose på alvor

Norwegian Lyme advocates meet with their Health Minister:
"Human anaplasmosis he thought had no scope, and Babesia he was also skeptical as to whether it was actually a problem. At this time, there were reactions in the audience, and several came forward with a photo of Babesia (Maltese cross). Here came a brief but somewhat intense discussion on microscopy.

Audun Aase (FHI) did attempt to clean up the discussion - spoke of microscopy as a useful and important method, but it can not be used as the sole method of identifying a bacterium. Microscopy is primarily interesting, supporting more precise and proven methods such as PCR and cultivation. Aas also mentioned a project that FHI seeking financing, where they will look at many different assays to detect Borrelia. There, they want a relationship with those who use microscopy to compare and evaluate the results."