collecte section Bourgogne

IF the treating physicians would just CARE to follow and test these patients thoroughly for Borreliosis and co-infections with ANTIGEN tests .............

IF the treating physicians would just CARE to follow and test these patients thoroughly for Borreliosis and co-infections with ANTIGEN tests, which is NOT DIFFICULT, as illustrated in this article! – and treat them for ACTIVE INFECTIONs, instead of mocking these patients by stating FALSELY that “all Borrelia was killed after 10-14 days”, and calling them “hypochondriacs”, I’m quite sure many cases of chronic Borreliosis, long term suffering and disability could be prevented!

Despite improved diagnostic methods, like by doing live video-microscopy / plus specific immune stain for Borrelia, in order to document the presence of spirochete(s) and/or their alternative forms, during all active stages of Borreliosis, the diagnosis of Late (chronic) Borreliosis remains – probably forever – a CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS, that can sometimes, but not always be SUPPORTED by any POSITIVE TEST RESULT, but can NOT BE OUT RULED by any NEGATIVE TEST RESULT! – so LISTEN to the patients, let them write SYMPTOM DIARY!