collecte section Bourgogne
OSLO / Dram: Host and initiator was Health Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labour). At the back of the hall sat Eivind Markhus and his wife Lene Markhus from Konnerud. Close by them Lars Monsen.

Stretcher Monsen and the couple Markhus have a grudge against the Norwegian health care system. None of them believed when they claim that they have developed borrilose caused by tick bites. Tests in the Norwegian "conventional medicine" will not activate, it does however more tests they have taken abroad.

There are three main issues in this conflict. One is testing and analysis method used in Norway. The second is how and how long borrilose be treated and last but not least, there is something called chronic borrilose?

Disagreement was evident in the meeting, but I call the parties back to the autumn and promises to raise more money for research into this watery area, says Jonas Gahr Støre.

It must Roska up in some old-fashioned attitudes, says Lars Monsen.

We were well taken courage, and we have a feeling that we are soon about to be believed, says the couple from Konnerud.