collecte section Bourgogne

this sounds interesting for MS/Lyme Disease

Now this sounds interesting for MS/Lyme Disease - not had time to read thoroughly but treatment doses of white blood cells ? Perhaps more able to fight underlying pathogens?---

Multiple sclerosis breakthrough: Published today !

Please like and share to keep hope raised for MS.

Trial safely resets patients' immune systems and reduces attack on myelin protein

June 5, 2013 .A phase 1 clinical trial for the first treatment to reset the immune system of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients showed the therapy was safe and dramatically reduced patients' immune systems' reactivity to myelin by 50 to 75 percent, according to new Northwestern Medicine research.

In MS, the immune system attacks and destroys myelin, the insulating layer that forms around nerves in the spinal cord, brain and optic nerve. When the insulation is destroyed, electrical signals can't be effectively conducted, resulting in symptoms that range from mild limb numbness to paralysis or blindness.

"The therapy stops autoimmune responses that are already activated and prevents the activation of new autoimmune cells," said Stephen Miller, the Judy Gugenheim Research Professor of Microbiology-Immunology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. "Our approach leaves the function of the normal immune system intact. That's the holy grail." Miller is the co-senior author of a paper on the study, which will be published June 5 in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

The study is a collaboration between Northwestern's Feinberg School, University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland and University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany. The human trial is the translation of more than 30 years of preclinical research in Miller's lab. In the trial, the MS patients' own specially processed white blood cells were used to stealthily deliver billions of myelin antigens into their bodies so their immune systems would recognize them as harmless and develop tolerance to them. Current therapies for MS suppress the entire immune system, making patients more susceptible to everyday infections and higher rates of cancer.

While the trial's nine patients—who were treated in Hamburg, Germany—were too few to statistically determine the treatment's ability to prevent the progression of MS, the study did show patients who received the highest dose of white blood cells had the greatest reduction in myelin reactivity.