collecte section Bourgogne

Die off of the pathogens during treatment build up neurotoxins , so detox !

Die off of the pathogens during treatment build up neurotoxins, while medications and poor lymphatic function can add to the toxic load your body is carrying. If you’re interested in detoxication methods here’s a place to start.....

In addition to the toxins that we don’t choose, are the ones we do choose: Chemical-laden cosmetic and beauty products, toxic cleaning products and fragrances are a few that many of us have come to accept as necessary evils.

Compounding the problem, our bodies produce toxins all on their own, as natural by-products of metabolic processes and healing processes like fighting infections.

All of this creates a toxic “load” or “burden” that our bodies carry, day in and day out. It’s impossible to say how many common ailments like headaches are related to that toxic load. Maintaining good habits that help our bodies to continually process and move toxins out is a smart choice for all of us. At times, our bodies may need a little extra help.

read article for more info..........