collecte section Bourgogne

Here's what Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can look like.

Here's what Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can look like. We have had cases of RMSF reported by patients in Alabama.
Picture of someone close to me. First he had a fever, then a small rash broke out followed by a full body & larger spots. Believe he was bitten while camping in northern MN. First doc rx him with Lyme. I stated it looked like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...which so called medical professional replied, "RMSF does not exist in MN". Next doc rx him with RMSF (but not lyme). I KNOW he has both (if not more co-infections). Was put on a weeks worth of doxy! Really, like a week of doxy will kill all this bacteria? NOT! I will make sure he gets more (I'm being treated by a llmd-). I am posting this to as many lyme groups I can to help keep the awareness out there. As a side note, the doc who rx with RMSF, had all the physicians in the clinic come in the room, so that they could see & learn firsthand. Pictures were also taken to be shown to medical students.