collecte section Bourgogne

Borreliose - og et åpent sinn? Great words from Professor Per Lokken

Borreliose - og et åpent sinn?
Et tilsvarende paradigmeskifte som ved forståelsen av magesår og infeksjon med Helicobacter pylori i 1990-årene, kan komme for patogenese og behandling av borreliose. De vitenskapelige miljøene bør ha et åpent sinn.
Great words from Professor Per Lokken
Per Lokken, Professor Emeritus

Children Mats Reimer recently wrote a blog post titled " Ovetenskap of Borrelia on Norwegian Vetenskapsakademien " in Swedish Dagens Medicin . The article referred to a symposium at the Norwegian Academy of Science : " Chronic Fatigue - ME ( myalgic encephalomyelitis ) and tick bite ( Lyme disease ) : Is there a connection or is it a media created" hype "?

The program featured six lectures, in addition to a short post by yours truly . This was by Reimer described as : "A Enskild case description ( have) foga vetenskapligt värde , and he asks: - Hur tank ( Academy ) when the songs debate Foras at this level?

Unscientific ? Two group leaders in the Academy writes in a similar topic that is of great interest because many are affected by ME: "When we chose to have an open meeting , we could not censor posts that did not keep good scientific standard ."

I ask the two group leaders : Do they mean that my post had acceptable scientific standard ?

Case report . The starting point was a case report : "A young boy with ME . Reports and treatments in Norway and Germany . " Presentation of a case , followed by comments , is not uncommon in medical lectures and publications.

In 2009 the patient was referred to a Norwegian university hospital due to severe headache and was diagnosed with ME following year. In 2011 he was referred back to the municipality with the message that Lyme disease was finalized : Follow up - pacing .

IMPROVEMENT . Although suffering was getting worse , he did not offer new research or treatment. A growing deep depression with statements about the excruciating pain caused the Lyme Centrum Augsburg ( BCA ) was contacted . Diagnosis: Lyme borreliosis ( senstadium ) with Bartonella and Chlamydia pneumoniae as coinfection . The treatment began in February 2012, and in the middle of the second week of treatment disappeared the intense headaches that he had had for about four years. It has not come back .

Many patients with chronic Lyme disease tells improved , and some for a dramatically improved situation , the "non- conventional " treatment. When many people make similar experiences , the reasons should be investigated . Curiosity is the driving force of science.

" DISEASE impersonator ." In the comments , I pointed out that syphilis was called "The Great sykdomsimitatoren ." Borrelia burgdorferi ( Bb ) has 132 functional genes , T. pallidum has 22 Bb has three times as many plasmids any other known bacteria . Closest to get chlamydia with seven plasmids . Plasmids gives bacteria a " quick response " system so it can quickly adapt to environmental changes .

It can cover themselves with host proteins , antigenic make changes, steer clear of the immune system " radar " and the host's immune system ( stealth pathogen ) . It can exist / switch between multiple pleomorfiske forms ( spiroket , round , rod , biofilm ) . The conventional serological tests detect only spiroketformen . This is a possible reason for that chronic Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed , so syphilis was .

" SMART AND DANGEROUS ". My conclusion is that Borrelia is a media created " hype " but potentially " very resourceful , smart and dangerous ."

The biomedical laboratory scientist Brorson termed Bb as a unique bacterium ( JNMA 2009 ; 129: 2114-7 ) . I was referring to recent research by Leona Gilbert, who has spoken approvingly about Brorson fundamental studies of Lyme disease research. She is a researcher in the EU project Hilysens , where institutions from six European countries participate .

AN OPEN MIND ? Three days after the meeting of the Academy were two foreign lecturers invited BIO conference 2013 , University "If Lyme disease and other diseases that spread from animals to humans . Do we know enough about zoonoses ecology? Keep up with the blood of recent research on Lyme disease . " ( Leona Gilbert : Pleomorphic forms and biology of Borrelia and Monica Embers : Lyme disease: 30 years of research and much more to learn .

BIO conference was part of the " Science debate and science in Norwegian public sphere" , supported by Fritt Ord .

A similar paradigm shift that occurred in the 1990s in the understanding of ulcers and infection with Helicobacter pylori , can get in terms of pathogenesis and treatment of Lyme disease . The scientific community should have an open mind.

No conflicts of interest

Per Lokken