collecte section Bourgogne

Inside The Mind Of A Person With Chronic Lyme Disease

When a bacteria as powerful and highly evolved as Borrelia Burgdorferi (i.e., the bacteria responsible for chronic Lyme Disease) enters the body, a biological hijacking occurs to a degree that which no man or woman could ever be prepared for. Disruptions of both the physical and mental workings of the body leave the person enduring, in great awe and astoundment.

But as strange, ineffable, and unfamiliar as the symptoms of the mind are, they are temporary. The workings of the human mind will be restored as healing progresses from chronic Lyme Disease. The progress won't be sudden or immediately noticeable, but very much gradual. Patience is required at levels never sought out before, and persistence, though it may take great hits throughout the battle, must remain at all times. Sometimes in life we stumble upon inconveniences; some more grand than others. But what doesn't change is the ever present and available great will every person possesses to move forward and beyond.

I agree , that's what happened to me