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Luc Montagnier says he revealed a new property of DNA: the emission of electromagnetic waves! , he explains that his discovery could be a revolutionary way of detection and treatment of chronic diseases.

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Luc Montagnier says he revealed a new property of DNA: the emission of electromagnetic waves! In an interview with the magazine Orbs, the Other world, he explains that his discovery could be a revolutionary way of detection and treatment of chronic diseases.

Professor Luc Montagnier received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008.
We discovered that some DNA viruses or bacteria emit electromagnetic waves. It is a resonance phenomenon related to the excitation of these molecules in some dilutions in water. These waves reproduce information from the initial DNA - are extremely specific waves.

Is this something restricted to these agents? Probably not. All DNA sequences can radiate, but at a lower level. What we detect is the tip of the iceberg, that is to say, the sequences that produce most of these signals. Certainly, this has been the subject of controversy, but I can now affirrmer without hesitation that the work is solid and can be reproduced outside our own laboratory.

Electromagnetic signals DNA

The waves are not only issued by the starting DNA, they are also produced by nanostructures formed in water at these dilutions. These structures can also be distinguished according to their viral or bacterial origin, according to their sizes. After passage through a filter of 100 nm, signals from essentially bacteria are detected. At 20 nanometers, the structures are smaller and come from viruses, including the AIDS virus or hepatitis.

They are typically pathogenic bacteria that emit signals. Non-pathogenic bacteria do not emit. As part of the virus, it's a bit the same. An attenuated vaccine virus does not transmit signals, while a "wild" viruses, such as HIV AIDS, emits signals. We also isolated certain genes responsible for these emissions. Three or four genes of HIV issue, not the other apparently. But this may simply be a matter of intensity, sensitivity.

We can measure these signals in two ways, by their changes in amplitude or the signal spectrum. But it will be, say, a spectrum of bases with waves themselves carriers of smaller waves, but more specific. Of each of the specific DNA sequences measured. This technology allows us to detect with high sensitivity the presence of an infectious agent in the blood plasma.

It can also extract DNA from tissues, including cancers, and observe the presence of bacterial infection signals. The operation can be done remotely. The signal can be digitized, scanned and sent to another laboratory for thousands of kilometers. In our first experiment signals were sent from San Diego to Shanghai and Shanghai to Paris. We have seen that the recipient laboratory in Paris was able to reconstruct the DNA of a bacterium causing Lyme disease.

And water in?

We were able, using a highly sensitive method, but classic: the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), observed that the polymerase can not only read the double helix of the DNA molecule, but probably water which surrounds the double helix. It is this that keeps water footprint of a specific base sequences. PCR is able to read nano-structures induced by DNA in water. This revolutionary discovery sparked much controversy. Because it raises fundamental problems at the biological level but also theoretical.

What is the purpose of these structures in the living world? We believe that some bacteria have found a way, using particular waves that man makes, but also natural waves to amplify the genetic distance unit and invisibly to the immune system.

The example of autism

Medical applications of this discovery are very important, probably for early detection. We find these signals in diseases that are not known to be infectious. This includes neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease , the Parkinson's disease , multiple sclerosis, as well as Lyme disease, autism and certain cancers.

Currently more than 1% of children with autism in developed countries. The most interesting is that if the electromagnetic signals from blood plasma was measured in these children, most are positive and detect latent bacterial infection. The signal transmission is further responsive to antibiotic treatment. This opens up real prospects for clinical improvement of autistic children.

Discover the entire meeting with Professor Luc Montagnier in Orbs, the Other Planet . # 0, The Beginning. Arts, sciences, humanities and consciences.