collecte section Bourgogne

The Most Prevalent and Devastating Disease Your Doctor Has Never Heard Of

The Most Prevalent and Devastating Disease Your Doctor Has Never Heard Of

"Without knowing it, I'd told myself a story: If I ever got sick, it would be like an episode of House, only with less Percocet. A team of brilliant doctors from different specialties passionately debating my case. A deep curiosity and desire to get to the bottom of it. A love of the puzzle. And I would not be lying idly in my sickbed. I'd be busy trying to unravel the mystery, too.

My doctors were not particularly interested in getting to the bottom of anything. Instead, after a few basic tests, they told me that my symptoms were not real. I was diagnosed with conversion disorder -- a nicer, modern version of "hysteria." In their story, symptoms they could not explain needed to be explained away."