collecte section Bourgogne

émission : la maladie de Lyme

Tick-borne co-infections are the norm, not the exception - Daniel Cameron MD

40% of patients with Lyme disease experience concurrent Babesiosis
13% of patients with Lyme disease experience concurrent HGA
two-thirds of patients with Babesiosis experience concurrent Lyme disease and
one-third experience concurrent HGA
one-third of patients with Babesiosis experience concurrent HGA [3]
Over the past two decades, the number of disease-causing agents carried by…|De Dr. Daniel Cameron

Researchers investigate four promising new treatments for Lyme disease

Northeastern researcher Kim Lewis and his team have launched an all-out effort to find a cure for Lyme disease, which afflicts nearly 300,000 new people in the U.S.…

Herxheimer Reaction

Explanation of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.|Par Meg Mangin

le petit Jules a besoin de vous pour pouvoir guérir de Lyme

Aidez le petit Jules si vous le pouvez
J'ai reçu ce mail d'une amie lymée elle aussi qui dit ceci :
mon amie Hélène Dubois se bat depuis des années pour soigner son fils Jules. J'ai rencontré Hélène via mes activités militantes à France Lyme, puisque Jules souffre justement des conséquences terribles de cette maladie et de son cortège de co-infections. Jules a en effet contracté Lyme in utero... Si vous voulez connaître un peu mieux son histoire, vous pouvez écouter ceci
Média-tiques n°5 sur RCF61
Vous pouvez écouter l'émission ici : Media-tiques n°5 Jules, 5 ans1/2, « autiste Lyme »

Cette émission date de janvier 2014, mais elle vous expliquera l’essentiel.

J'aime beaucoup Jules... C'est pour ça que je me permets de vous embêter avec mon mail. Ce petit garçon est terriblement touchant, et il souffre, au quotidien.
Je peux dire qu'Hélène fait TOUT ce qu'elle peut pour le sortir de là. Elle ne laisse pas une piste inexplorée. Comme beaucoup de malades de Lyme, elle fait son tour de France des Médecins... Chacun de ces médecins a apporté sa compétence, son savoir faire, et un peu de progrès pour Jules. Mais derrière une infection, il y a toujours et encore... une autre infection....
Aux USA la maladie de Lyme est connue depuis un peu plus longtemps, et des médecins regroupés au sein de l'ILADS (ex: Dr Richard Horowitz) ont une longueur d'avance sur nos médecins.
Le coût de la médecine aux USA n'est pas le même non plus... Mais Hélène n'a pas trop le temps d'attendre que les progrès arrivent en France... Jules a 8 ans, il ne parle toujours pas...
S'il-vous-plaît, faites un geste... Même une petite somme, parce que si tous les gens qui reçoivent le mail donnent une petite somme... ça fera une grosse somme.
Merci à ceux qui participeront,
Pour l'avenir de Jules -

Média-tiques n°5 sur RCF61

Vosges : la maladie de Lyme, un fléau que Monique Vuillemin veut faire connaître

En mémoire de son frère, Monique Vuillemin veut que l’opinion se réveille et que les pouvoirs publics prennent leurs responsabilités face au fléau ...

Raindrop Technique known for use in treating Lyme disease

Raindrop Technique is a form of aromatherapy in which Young Living Essential Oils are used


Lyme disease is an illness caused by the organism Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterium known as a spirochete that is carried by a deer tick. The spirochete can be transmitted to people or animals by the bite of a tick — with the first signs of Lyme disease developing within days or months. Sixty to eig…

Deutschland: Einheimische Mücken könnten Borreliose übertragen

Einheimische Mücken tragen zum Teil Bakterien in sich, die Borreliose auslösen…|De

Déterminants cliniques de la borréliose de Lyme, la babésiose, la bartonellose, l'anaplasmose et l'ehrlichiose dans une cohorte australienne

Une bactérie de la parodontite incriminée dans le cancer de l’œsophage.



Pourquoi le parasite de la toxoplasmose nous manipule.

Cognitive issues following a stroke due to Lyme disease - Daniel Cameron MD

A study by Nimgaonkar and colleagues (2015) examines the relationship between cognitive deficits and infectious agents. The authors found a temporal cognitive decline in patients with exposure to infectious agents in a population-based, aging cohort.
The authors reported that exposure to cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes Simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1), Herpes Simplex virus, type 2 (HSV-2), or Toxoplasma gondii (TOX) was associated with cognitive deterioration in older individuals, independent of general age-related variables.
In his post, Cameron raises similar issues about improperly treated Lyme disease.
by Daniel J. Cameron, MD MPH A study by Nimgaonkar and colleagues examines…|De Dr. Daniel Cameron

Evidence of in vivo existence of Borrelia biofilm in borrelial lymphocytomas

Lyme borreliosis, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, has grown into a major public health problem. We recently identified a novel morphological form of B. burgdorferi, called biofilm, a structure that is well known to be highly resistant to antibiotics. However, there is no evidence of the existence of Borrelia biofilm in vivo; therefore, the main goal of this study was to determine the presence of Borrelia biofilm in infected human skin tissues. In summary, this is the first study that demonstrates the presence of Borrelia biofilm in human infected skin tissues."
*Corresponding author: Eva Sapi; 300 Boston Post Road, West Haven CT 06516, USA; Phone: +1-203-479-4552, E-mail:

Lyme Disease May Be Diagnosable via Transcriptome Signature

Researchers describe genes that may serve as biomarkers for the diagnosis of Lyme disease. This study is the first to document changes in gene expression due to Lyme infection, and might radically change how we diagnose Lyme.
The study examined 29 patients before and after they received a three-week course of antibiotic treatment and also six months later. Compared to patients with other active bacterial or viral infections, the Lyme disease patients had distinctive gene signature ....

Gene expression signature of Lyme disease could inform new diagnostic approaches and reveal new therapeutic targets.

Parents of Justina Pelletier sue Boston Children’s Hospital for negligence - The Boston Globe

For any parent who has had to battle 'the system' to protect their child because it doesn't know how to treat them, or treats them badly, because she or he has a chronic condition due to Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, PANDAS, or any number of other poorly diagnosed, 'hidden handicaps', this family's story reads like a chilling horror story that can, for any one of us, become a reality. For many, I know it has, like it did for our family at one point. As parents it behooves us to fight for our kids, and this often means knowing more about our kids' condition than the doctors and administrators we have to deal with. So yeah, we come off as pushy, we get angry when they don't 'get' it, and are stressed to the limit when their decisions cause more harm to our loved ones. That doesn't make us bad parents. Nor does it make us perfect parents. We do it for the love of a child, as only a parent can. Because no one else will.
PS. In the comments section in 'Part 2', one reader makes a convincing connection between this teenager's illness, her early learning disabilities, and the possible maternal transmission of Lyme and Bartonella. Most of the other comments aren't worth reading.
The parents of a teenage girl who was at the center of a highly charged medical battle and custody dispute said Thursday they have filed a lawsuit accusing…

Have you been bitten by a partially fed tick? - Daniel Cameron MD

How long must a tick be attached in order to transmit Lyme? 48 hours, 36 hours, 24 or less? In reviewing the literature in animal models, Cook (2014) found that “transmission can occur in less than 16 hours, and the minimum attachment time for transmission of infection has never been established," especially if the tick has partially fed. This has important implications for pet owners.
Many public health agencies, including the CDC, assure the public that a tick must…|De Dr. Daniel Cameron

Missing link found between brain, immune system -- with major disease implications

Researchers have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis.
Implications profound for neurological diseases from autism to Alzheimer's to multiple sclerosis

Research team finds bacterial biofilms may play a role in lupus, MS, other auto-immune diseases

Researchers have shown that bacterial communities that form biofilms play a role in the development of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus -- a discovery that may provide important clues about several autoimmune ailments.
Lupus, multiple sclerosis, and type-1 diabetes are among more than a score of diseases in which the immune system attacks the body it was designed to defend.…

Immune system disruption

A wide-ranging search of the immune system is underway for the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, newly renamed systemic exertion intolerance disease, or SEID.

TOUCHED BY LYME: How to heal yourself when no one else can

She finally focused on what someone had once told her: you have the power to heal yourself.

This is the first time that Babesia annae DNA has been reported in red foxes in Great Britain with positive samples being found across England and Scotland indicating that this parasite is well established within the red fox population of Britain.

  This is the first time that Babesia annae DNA has been reported in red foxes in Great Britain with positive samples being found across England and Scotland indicating that this parasite is well established within the
red fox population of Britain.
- Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that though B. annae is closely related to B. microti it is a distinct species.
- Babesia are small piroplasmid parasites which are widely distributed throughout the world and are transmitted to hosts through the bite of infected ticks, transplacentally, mechanically through the exchange of blood, in dog fights, as well as transovarially and transstadially in ticks.
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Babesia species DNA in lung exudate samples collected from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from across Great…

Dog owners warned of fatal tick-borne disease canine babesiosis which is likely to spread around UK

Dermacentor reticulatus -
Unique to dogs, the rare single-celled parasite infects the animals with the
disease in a similar way to how malaria is transferred to humans by mosquitos.
Four dogs have contracted canine babesiosis in Harlow, Essex, in recent months despite not travelling abroad, with three of the animals dying.
The disease-carrying tick has only previously been found in Devon and Wales, but in those cases it was not carrying babesia.
Four dogs have contracted the condition in recent months despite not travelling abroad, with three of the animals dying

Oral Immunization with OspC Does Not Prevent Tick-Borne Borrelia burgdorferi Infection

Oral vaccination strategies are of interest to prevent transmission of Lyme disease as they can be used…

Study examines the incidence of Lyme disease in Western Europe. Highest reported incidences were found in southern Sweden and the lowest incidences were in Italy. Authors conclude, "Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease) is a continually emerging disease and the most common zoonotic infection in Western Europe approaching endemic proportions in many European countries

Study examines the incidence of Lyme disease in Western Europe. Highest reported incidences were found in southern Sweden and the lowest incidences were in Italy.
Authors conclude, "Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease) is a continually emerging disease and the most common zoonotic infection in Western Europe approaching endemic proportions in many European countries."


Controversial New Push to Tie Microbes to Alzheimer's Disease

Scientific American: A cadre of scientists argue that Alzheimer's may have a surprisingly simple trigger: tiny brain-infecting microbes.
A journal article says herpes virus and Lyme disease bacteria are behind the mind-robbing illness, but not all researchers are convinced|Par Melinda Wenner Moyer

First Tick Genome Map Could Chart Ways to Stop Parasite

Ticks transmit a wider variety of pathogens than any other arthropod, causing thousands of human and animal deaths annually|Par Erika Celeste

Lyme whisperer , the secret's out

The Looming Question of Lyme and Pregnancy

Lyme: Fight Harder For Science and End This War

I just had a flashback. When I was diagnosed with Lyme, I knew little about it. I went to the first infectious disease doctor with my bullseye still pre...

France, the Ardennes, study showing most ticks were co-infected, and every single tick had at least 1 pathogen

France, the Ardennes, study showing most ticks were co-infected, and every single tick had at least 1 pathogen

Le retour en force de la syphilis

Alors qu'on la croyait appartenir au passé, la syphilis est en pleine recrudescence : 400 à 500 nouveaux cas sont déclarés chaque année en France. En cause : une augmentation des pratiques sexuelles à risque.

Woman sets up campaign for NHS Lyme disease test

RENCONTRE AVEC SOPHIE BENARROSH « 17 ans d’errance médicale » L’histoire d’une femme qui lutte contre la maladie de Lyme, la fatigue chronique, les métaux lourds… et l’inertie du monde médical !

« 17 ans d’errance médicale »
L’histoire d’une femme qui lutte contre la maladie de Lyme, la fatigue chronique, les métaux lourds… et l’inertie du monde médical !

La tique porteuse de nombreuses mauvaises bactéries

Figaro Santé 21 mars 2016
La tique porteuse de nombreuses mauvaises bactéries
INFECTIOLOGIE La tique, cet acarien parasite, peut provoquer de nombreuses pathologies chez les animaux et les humains, dont la maladie de Lyme. Celle-ci est causée essentiellement par une espèce de bactérie, les borrelia (Borrelia garinii et Borrelia afzelii). Une équipe de l’Inra vient de lever le voile sur un aspect méconnu de l’acarien, l’identification des autres bactéries pathogènes dont il peut être porteur et leur éventuelle action sur les maladies transmises (travaux publiés dans PLOS Neglected Tropical Disease).
Les chercheurs du laboratoire Inra de Maisons-Alfort, aidés par leurs collègues d’autres stations, ont étudié des tiques présentes dans les Ardennes françaises. Près de 267 spécimens femelles d’Ixodes ricinus ont été collectés entre mai et août 2012 sur 80 km dans 6 zones forestières et 3 de bocages avec beaucoup de haies. Le genre ixodes est le plus répandu (670 espèces connues) et Ixodes ricinus est la tique la plus commune en Europe. On sait qu’elle peut transmettre, lors de son repas de sang humain, des bactéries, des virus ou d’autres parasites. Mais quelles bac­téries ?
Les scientifiques ont donc testé les acariens pour 37 pathogènes (bactéries et parasites), pour le virus de l’encéphalite à tique TBV et pour 4 espèces de bactéries symbiotiques de la tique (qui vivent en symbiose avec elle). Près de 45 % des spécimens analysés étaient porteurs d’au moins un des pathogènes recherchés. Parmi ceux ceux-ci, 45 % (54 tiques) étaient porteurs d’au moins deux pathogènes ou plus. En prenant en compte les bactéries symbiotiques, certaines tiques étaient porteuses de 8 micro-organismes différents. Résultat, la co-infection de la tique, c’est-à-dire la présence d’au moins deux pathogènes, est plutôt la règle que l’exception. D’où, sans doute, les réactions différentes des personnes infectées.
« Ce phénomène de co-infection mas­sive a d’importantes implications pour la santé humaine et animale , souligne le Dr Vayssier-Taussat, responsable de l’étude. Cela révèle la nécessité de tenir compte de ces interactions microbiennes dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies alternatives pour contrôler les tiques et les maladies qu’elles véhiculent. »

Top Ten Things you can do for someone with Lyme

So I’ve been musing recently about the role that friends, family, and other loved ones play in my experience of lyme disease. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that, on occasion, I’ve been fum…

Psychotic Teenager Misdiagnosed as Bipolar Had a Curable Autoimmune Disease

When Tessa Gallo turned from a healthy teenager into a psychotic wreck with catatonic symptoms overnight, doctors first said she was over-anxious, and then…

Brain parasite could be behind rage disorder in adults

People with intermittent explosive disorder, which causes outbursts of anger, are twice as likely to have been infected with toxoplasma gondii, study finds|Par Nicola Davis

Yale study says children don't have Lyme, but medically unexplained symptoms - Daniel Cameron MD

Yale University Medical Center conducts study of its pediatric infectious disease…|De Dr. Daniel Cameron

Yale se base sur le test ELISA donc cet article sur les enfants qui n ont pas le lyme est deja mal analysé vu vu qu ils ne font pas les bons tests pour commencer...

Could Germ From Cat Poop Trigger Rage Disorder in People?

Those with intermittent explosive disorder more likely to have been exposed to toxoplasmosis, study finds

Maladie de Lyme, entre scandale et réalité

Jamais une pathologie n'a autant été au coeur de scandales et de polémiques. La maladie de Lyme est-elle réellement sous diagnostiquée en France ? Les examens de laboratoire sont-ils obsolètes ?Que dire à nos patients ? Réagissez et posez…

les médecins qui répondent doivent se former
ils ne savent rien et n'ont rien compris à cette maladie , laissant des milliers de patients en errance et souffrir atrocement , c'est honteux
comment peuvent ils rester aussi méprisants vis à vis des malades et aussi sûrs d'eux mêmes alors qu'ils ne sont même pas aller se former 
scandaleux !

First Tick Genome Map Could Chart Ways to Stop Parasite

Ticks transmit a wider variety of pathogens than any other arthropod, causing thousands of human and animal deaths annually|Par Erika Celeste