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How many Lyme disease patients don't meet strict diagnostic criteria - Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH

Study finds majority of patients referred to an infectious disease clinic actually did not have Lyme disease. However, on closer inspection, the reader will find that only patients who met IDSA or CDC criteria were included in the study. More in today's #LDScience blog.
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How many Lyme disease patients don't meet strict diagnostic criteria - Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH



Study finds majority of patients referred to an infectious disease clinic actually did not have Lyme disease. However, on closer inspection, the reader will find that only patients who met IDSA or CDC criteria were included in the study. More in today's #LDScience blog.

même chose chez nous !!!!!!!!! la spilf fait les mêmes études et ensuite c'est la catastrophe 
ils n'ont strictement rien à faire des malades 
même pas honteux de ne pas honorer leur serment d'hippocrate