a moment please if you live in Massachusetts. I am working to inform
our state legislators and other officials that the vast MAJORITY of
people suffering from Lyme or Chronic Lyme were not helped with standard
3/4 week treatment or because test results were accurate. If you have
had delay in treatment due to inaccurate testing or treatment available
please contact S.L.A.M@msn.com with you name, address, phone or email.
You need to agree to be contacted should officials wish to check our
list to make sure you really exist. Thank you! Together we can make a
a moment please if you live in Massachusetts. I am working to inform
our state legislators and other officials that the vast MAJORITY of
people suffering from Lyme or Chronic Lyme were not helped with standard
3/4 week treatment or because test results were accurate. If you have
had delay in treatment due to inaccurate testing or treatment available
please contact S.L.A.M@msn.com with you name, address, phone or email.
You need to agree to be contacted should officials wish to check our
list to make sure you really exist. Thank you! Together we can make a