collecte section Bourgogne

Made special for my fellow Lymies. Have you managed to still be alive? Then you are a warrior and you rock my world.

If you have a chronic illness, you've probably been acused of 

being lazy or some stupid, compassionless crap like that. I 

made this for you. 

Often people complain about the way things are, but don't do anything about it. To all of you who share information that helps spread awareness and open the minds of others, to you who sign petitions that save and/or change people's lives for the better, to those of you who go out into the world and are kind to others even when they are not kind to you...THANK YOU. You are what makes this world a place I continue to want to be in.

Made special for my fellow Lymies. Have you managed to still 

be alive? Then you are a warrior and you rock my world.