collecte section Bourgogne

Why ? by Denise Longman

Thoughts for the day:

How many of the 300,000 UK patients with ME/"chronic fatigue syndrome" actually know that their illness is so secret that the Medical Research Council will not release grant research proposals and such, until 2070?

How many of the worst infected go on to develop MS, cancer, neurological diseases like Parkinson's, motor neuron disease (ALS) and Alzheimer's, heart disease, mental symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, brain tumours, heart damage, etc.

Is this why the big ME charities have been policing all the ME patients and never pushed for the truth? What are they afraid of? What has the top layer of the Dept of Health and the Health Protection Agency told them? Or promised them?

Why did one long-time controller of ME research, Alistair Miller, try and get onto the Lyme committee of the James Lind Alliance? How much does he know about Lyme disease and its role in ME/CFS?

The top levels of government must know that we have an infectious stealth agent, probably devised during WW2 and shortly after, which is a mixture of Mycoplasma, Borrelia and opportunistic co-infections, all vectored and protected by microscopic nematode worms. Only intensive treatment will cure it, the cost is too high in short-term thinking, and also no one must know that it is out there. Perhaps it's still a viable part of their armoury as one of those "disabling neuro agents". Most countries were experimenting with arthropod-borne bugs at some time over the last 100 years.

They have not even bothered to warn the British public about ticks and mosquitoes and mites and lice. They allow tens of thousands to get infected each year. The situation must be desperate indeed for this crime against humanity to have been allowed to carry on.

Perhaps when they find a vaccine or a cure, they will admit it is infectious and carried by insect and other arthropod vectors. But how do you make a vaccine against a multiple mixed infection?