Remember for the main Worldwide Lyme Awareness Protest Blog that there is a translate button in the upper left hand corner so everyone can read it! http://
Norwegian prime minister candidate Erna Solberg are joining the Lyme demonstration!
Erna Solberg has announced that she is taking a trip out of the Parliament and to our demonstration on May 10th Will you?
Please read more here:
Also read more about Jordan Fisher Smith's appearance in Oslo!

Keep updated on what Norway is doing on this blog.
Please read more here:
Also read more about Jordan Fisher Smith's appearance in Oslo!

Keep updated on what Norway is doing on this blog.
How the Worldwide Lyme Disease Awareness Protest Got Started
And here is how this whole thing got started! Thank you Karen Smith from Australia for piecing this together.
Worldwide Lyme Protest - How it Started, and Steamrolled...
The Swedish organiser, Charlotte Therese Björnström, (who has struggled for 25 years with Lyme and other infections) saw the need of thousands of people suffering around the world, and had a dream to take the action much further than the Scandinavian borders. From this initial idea, the Worldwide Protest Main Facebook Page was developed on the 31st of October, 2012 in order to connect people from all over the world to see if this dream could be realised.
From Charlotte's intial "grass roots" initiative, representatives from countries all around the world have joined in, with the United States representative, Lisa Hilton and the Australian representative, Karen Smith, joining to help Charlotte ensure her vision was fufilled, with the development of the international website, and helping to keep up to date with all country representatives and events. Every country representive and associated co-ordinators have worked together tirelessly over the last few months to ensure that this event achieves its purpose: To highlight the fact that there are thousands of people all around the world that are calling for recogniton that Lyme and other tick-borne diseases are serious illnesses.
Countries participating:
International Representatives and additional Country Information
Ie: Associated Websites, Events Planned Listed:
This section will be updated with further information regarding is countries events when available
Click on the Country to go to the associated Facebook Page
Australia Karen Smith
Austria Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Brazil Contact Countries Facebook for Co-ordinator details
Canada Marlene Ziehl Spies
Croatia Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Denmark Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Faroe Islands: Co-ordinator had to step down due Health– Looking for another Country Co-ordinator ; please contact the WWLP Parent Page
Finland Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
France: Co-ordinator had to step down due Health; Looking for another Country Co-ordinator ; please contact the WWLP Parent Page
Germany Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Hungary Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator detailsIceland Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Ireland Jenny O'Dea
Netherlands Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Norway Maj-Britt Marie Grevstad
Poland Contact Countries Facebook page for Co-ordinator details
Romania Ixodes Ricinus (profile/tag)
South Africa LymeSouthAfrica (profile/tag)
Spain WLmep Spain (profile/tag)
Sweden Charlotte Therese Björnström
Switzerland: Co-ordinator had to step down due Health– Looking for another Country Co-ordinator ; please contact the WWLP Parent Page
United Kingdom Nicola Seal
United States Lisa Hilton