collecte section Bourgogne

I wonder how many Lyme patients have this problem I never connected it to Lyme but can't remember having a problem before I was bit by a tick

I wonder how many Lyme patients have this problem I never connected it to Lyme but can't remember having a problem before I was bit by a tick. Really interesting post though although I know most if us suffer with low core temperature I also suffer with both temperature extremes.
Uthofff’s Phenomena- Heat sensitivity

At the risk of oversimplification- is a worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis when the body gets overheated.

Coping with Heat Sensitivity in MS

Simple lifestyle changes, such as gardening at sunrise or sunset rather than during the heat of midday, can make all the difference in managing MS symptoms. And make sure you always have shade available, even if it means carrying an umbrella everywhere you go.

“Heat sensitivity is one of the most commonly seen symptoms in MS,” says Scott Silliman, M.D., Director of the Comprehensive MS Program at the University of Florida, “I’d say roughly 50 to 60 percent of my patients experience it. I usually see [heat sensitivity] most in people with spinal cord MS and in those with optic neuritis."

But, Silliman adds, “It’s not dangerous and doesn’t alter the course of their MS. Exercise-induced heat sensitivity is seen more with weight training and less with aerobic type workouts. Keeping your head and neck area cool with one of the many products on the market can help.”

Anne P., who asked to remain anonymous, has been living with relapsing-remitting MS in the Georgia heat since 1998. She knows the dangers of heat exposure all too well.

“Every part of my body that has ever been impacted during an exacerbation starts to fall apart,” Anne said. “My vision gets fuzzy, my speech begins to slur, my fingers get tingly, and my gait gets thrown off. It's not pretty! I schedule any errands or appointments in the morning hours in order to ensure I am home and in the A/C no later than 2 p.m.”

(Image courtesy of Union Health)