collecte section Bourgogne

Lyme Researcher

I put together a fundraiser for Lyme Researcher, Thomas Grier, M.S. Please do not think we are asking Lymies to donate..he knows you don't have the funds but just sharing it can help. If we all share it maybe the right people or groups or foundations will see this and be able to help him get what he needs. Even if its donating the equipment he needs. If you don't know who he is...I will post articles below that he has written so you can see how important his work has been. 

He is trying to do some pretty cool stuff like proving transmission in less the 24 hours and much much more which you can read if you click on this link

Thomas Grier, M.S. Fundraiser

Thomas Grier, M.S. is setting up a lab to do basic research and also supportive work for practitioners to help support their diagnosis.
From Thomas Grier:

I am setting up a lab to do basic research and also supportive work for practitioners to help support their diagnosis.
Research project I want to do: * Brain pathology on Deer brains to determine if they have Borrelia infections in the brain.
* Transmission from tick to rabbit in less than 24 hours by improperly removing ticks,
*Time and Temperature studies on Borrelia to determine lethal temperatures and the effectiveness of using heat as an adjunct therapy to antibiotic and alternative treatments.
Order of importance of equipment:
A) a compound Light microscope with darkfiled condensor and video camera $800
B) a dissection scope for field work on mice and ticks $ 500
C) Slides, slip covers, stains, petri dishes, glassware, $500
D) Temperature controlled Incubation cabinet for culture and temperature studies and a tissue dehydrator for paraffin fixing brain tissue (Used can vary from $200-1,000 )
E) Deep Freeze tissue freezer $400
F) Centrifuge $ 300
Estimated cost is less than $ 3,500
Microscopes and equipment that would really be nice would be a fluorescent scope $2500, and a PCR thermal multiplier to help determine Borrelia species by PCR - $2,000
These are two different scopes for different purposes.
The SM2tZZ is a dissection scope. This scope is where tissues have to be prepped and wild mice have to be dissected for animal studies and to obtain the WILD Strains of Bb. This microscope observes and enlarges the sample like a fancy magnifying glass. This type of scope is best as a ZOOM, fixed lenses are a hassle. This is the kind of scope used in biology class to look at things like bird feathers.
The T490 is a compound microscope for doing pathology work and whole blood analysis. This microscope looks through the sample. The sample has to be a single cell layer thick. The T490 series has much better lenses than the previous 400 series scopes.
Other dream scopes are the fluorescent scopes for $2,500 which would be an incredible research tool for live research, and the best is the confocal laser fluorescent scope for $10,000, which can observe live cells and make 3-D images.
Here is some basic information on who Thomas Grier, M.S. is:
Click here to see how Tom got involved in Lyme Research:
Tom's Personal Lyme Story
Why do we call them experts, by Tom Grier
Who will be the heroes of Lyme Disease, who will be the villians? by Thomas Grier, M.S.
Lyme on the Brain
Motile Menace
The Difficulty in Culturing Spirochetes
Chronic Lyme Post-Mortem Study Needed
DEET vs. Permethrin as a Tick Repellent
Why The Controversy Over Diagnosing and Treating Lyme Disease
By Tom Grier
(As published in the Daily Reader newspaper, Ashland, Wisconsin)
Notes and Observations on Cell Wall Deficient Forms
Why Are We Still Sick