collecte section Bourgogne

"The good news is that Lyme disease is preventable and treatable; the bad news is that it is also greatly misunderstood, frequently misdiagnosed, and highly controversial."

Tick Check

"The good news is that Lyme disease is preventable and treatable; the bad news is that it is also greatly misunderstood, frequently misdiagnosed, and highly controversial."

Are "in and out pets" threatening your family's health? Find out how ticks are getting through your door and how to stop them!

Are "in and out pets" threatening your family's health? Find out how ticks are getting through your door and how to stop them!

An update from our friend, Kentuckian Logan McCullough, as he treks the Appalachian Trail to raise awareness of tick-borne diseases.

Tick-Borne Disease Alliance

Tick-Borne Disease Alliance

"The online campaign, led by Accola, will accumulate over time "a national video quilt" of individual statements by those affected by tick-borne diseases and their friends and families. This "video quilt" will be sent to state and federal legislators, encouraging them to support Lyme-disease legislation.

In addition, 24-year-old Lyme-sufferer John Donnally will bike across America this summer and fall to meet others affected by Lyme disease and galvanize local support for TBDA's mission to fund research and educate the public about the silent epidemic of tick-borne diseases."

Rutgers begins new institution for research on infectious diseases

Rutgers begins new institution for research on infectious diseases

"Dysfunction of the immune system is increasingly recognized as contributing to a broad spectrum of infectious and noninfectious diseases," said William Gause, senior associate dean for research at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. "The specific focus of our new institute provides a unique opportunity to build an innovative and significant program of biomedical research excellence for Newark and the State of New Jersey."

Lyme disease on the rise in our region

Lyme disease on the rise in our region

About a month ago, Priscilla Weismann got very ill. 

"I had chills and fevers, nausea and vomiting," she said. "I was in bed for about three or four days."

Weismann is outside in her Hanover, N.H., yard often. She knew that she had been bitten by something, but it wasn't until she was diagnosed with Lyme disease that she realized it was a deer tick. And then came another surprise:

"Fifteen people in Hanover," Weismann said. "My neighbors and my friends."

Like Weismann-- all of them treated for Lyme disease."

Protecting Your Family from Tickborne Illnesses

Protecting Your Family from Tickborne Illnesses

"According to the OSDH Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma has one of the highest number of cases for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In 2012, Oklahoma saw 572 cases of tickborne related illnesses, 11% of those cases required hospital stays, one case was fatal. This year, Oklahoma has seen at least 25 cases of tickborne illnesses, 20% of these cases required hospital stays. "

The western fence lizard is an important host for disease-bearing ticks there but is resistant to Bb

"It makes intuitive sense that more Bb-resistant hosts in the wild should lower the risk of human infection. But nothing about Lyme disease is simple. It turns out that even a species completely immune to Lyme infection can amplify the risk for people."

"That phenomenon was illustrated in a recent experiment on Lyme disease ecology in California. The western fence lizard is an important host for disease-bearing ticks there but is resistant to Bb. Its immune response to the bacterium is so powerful that a lizard can actually clear the infection from the midgut of ticks feeding on it. This ability would seem to make the fence lizard the ultimate dilution host, and when researchers removed the lizards from test plots in oak woodlands, they expected the numbers of infected nymphal ticks to increase as a result. But the opposite occurred."
Lyme Disease Debate
This new article gives an overview of how Lyme disease was discovered, and describes how it has become one of the most common vectorborne infections in North America and how it affects humans.

"Avoid squashing the body; you could get the tick’s blood and saliva inside the wound, which may increase your risk of disease."

"Avoid squashing the body; you could get the tick’s blood and saliva inside the wound, which may increase your risk of disease."

"As a Kent County resident and someone previously diagnosed with Lyme disease, she writes with firsthand knowledge of the dangers of the area’s woods."

"As a Kent County resident and someone previously diagnosed with Lyme disease, she writes with firsthand knowledge of the dangers of the area’s woods."

Ticks and Lyme Disease in Ohio

Josie, her family and her friends all know that if it weren't for the good people in this world supporting lyme disease and arthritis with their generous gifts, that her recovery and the recovery of others like her may not be possible or the healing process would be much slower.

Josie, her family and her friends all know that if it weren't for the good people in this world supporting lyme disease and arthritis with their generous gifts, that her recovery and the recovery of others like her may not be possible or the healing process would be much slower.

Cheryl (a lyme warrior)

Cheryl (a lyme warrior) is selling items from her home to help pay for her treatment and take care of her son....take a look there maybe something you, purses, clothes etc.... (Her son started the page for her♥)

C'est en fait la maladie de Lyme qui le paralysait. À l'origine, une morsure de tique…

a vie sur pause à cause d'une morsure de tique

Publié le 10/04/2012 à 10H00 | Mis à jour le 10/04/2012 à 16H23 - Vu 1362 fois

Aube - Jean-Claude Santune a d'abord cru à un AVC. C'est en fait la maladie de Lyme qui le paralysait. À l'origine, une morsure de tique…

Les béquilles sont encore debout, à côté de la porte d'entrée. « Je suis déjà content de pouvoir marcher sans déambulateur… » souffle Jean-Claude Santune. Cet habitant de Bouilly, 59 ans, a voulu témoigner de ce qu'est la maladie de Lyme, « pour que les parents soient informés, pour que les précautions soient prises… »
À l'origine de cette maladie mal connue, une morsure de tique infectée. Et après la morsure, des symptômes très divers, qui rendent le diagnostic difficile. Maux de tête, difficultés à se concentrer, problèmes d'estomac, engourdissement des membres… La liste est longue.
Pour Jean-Claude, tout a commencé par des douleurs à la nuque, début décembre. « J'ai pris des anti douleurs et c'est passé », raconte-t-il. Quelque temps après, il subit une hypersensibilité de la peau à certains endroits. Il ne supporte même pas ses vêtements. ça passe.
Mais ensuite apparaissent des maux plus violents, qui l'empêchent de dormir pendant une dizaine de jours au début du mois de janvier. Cette fois-ci, c'est au niveau des lombaires.
« J'avais tellement mal que mon médecin m'a envoyé au service rhumatologie du centre hospitalier de Troyes. » On le met sous morphine. Au bout de quelques jours il est paralysé du visage. Il pense à un AVC. « Je n'arrivais plus ni à manger ni à parler et ma femme était très inquiète… »

« Cette bactérie peut laisser des séquelles »

Très vite les jambes ne répondent plus. Les médecins pensent d'abord à une réaction à la morphine. En fait, une ponction lombaire révèle une infection du liquide céphalo rachidien.
C'est une méningite. « Il fallait déterminer si elle était due à une tuberculose, un herpès ou la maladie de Lyme. » C'est Lyme. Des bactéries qui ont envahi son corps à cause d'une simple morsure de tique dont il ne se souvient pas.
« Dans certains cas, les patients développent un érythème. Pas moi. » Il travaille à l'ONF, dans la gestion des forêts communales. « Mais les tiques ne sont pas qu'en forêt, on les voit partout, à la campagne. »
Quand a-t-il été piqué ? Nul ne le sait. C'est bien ce qui l'inquiète. « Les gens devraient être mieux informés, dans les écoles, les collectivités. ça n'est pas anodin… »
Et Jean-Claude sait de quoi il parle. Quatre semaines d'antibiotiques par intraveineuse l'ont cloué au lit, à l'hôpital. S'en sont suivies des semaines de rééducation fonctionnelle puis des séances de kinésithérapie encore aujourd'hui.
D'abord arrêté pendant trois mois, le médecin a doublé la période de son congé maladie. Fatigue et douleurs sont le lot de ce quinquagénaire.
« Je n'ai pas encore récupéré toutes mes facultés, confie-t-il. Il faut savoir que plus cette maladie est prise en charge rapidement, moins c'est grave. Si on laisse traîner, cette bactérie tordue gagne du terrain et peut laisser des séquelles… » En l'absence de traitement et dans 10 % des cas, la maladie peut évoluer vers des complications neurologiques invalidantes (paralysie faciale, méningite, atteintes de nerfs), des manifestations cutanées, articulaires (arthrite du genou) ou plus rarement, vers une atteinte du cœur ou de l'œil.
En France, la maladie se développe entre avril et octobre, principalement dans l'Est.

L'Est Eclair

article de l'Est Eclair  ( la derniere phrase ........c'est partout !!! )


“A novel low temperature PCR assured high-fidelity DNA amplification” in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Milford Hospital Announces Publication of Article By Dr. Sin Hang Lee in International Journal of Medical Sciences

"Borrelia burgdorferi is the recognized infective agent of Lyme disease and DNA sequencing can offer reliable diagnosis of Lyme disease at its early phase of infection for timely appropriate treatment of the patients to avoid tissue damages, stated Dr. Lee and his colleagues in a 2010 publication 


 Milford Medical Laboratory, Inc. will be positioned to offer these DNA sequencing-based molecular diagnostic tests to the patients and physicians."

Ananta Health and Dr. Rebecca Risk will present "Lyme Disease: Falling Through The Cracks" a workshop on Lyme Disease in Alberta, taking place at Westgate Community Center on August 12, 2013 at 7pm.

Ananta Health and Dr. Rebecca Risk will present "Lyme Disease: Falling Through The Cracks" a workshop on Lyme Disease in Alberta, taking place at Westgate Community Center on August 12, 2013 at 7pm. Presentation will be given by Dr. Rebecca Risk, a doctor of Chinese Medicine and a lyme disease survivor. Dr. Risk treated hundreds of Lyme patients across Canada and has a unique point of view on treatment and the controversy surrounding Lyme disease.

Lyme patients often have digestive issues

Digestive Issues

Lyme patients often have digestive issues, which can be caused by the borrelia and co-infections themselves, by opportunistic infections such as intestinal parasites, yeast overgrowth and H pylori, or by food sensitivities brought about by leaky gut and immune activation. H pylori compromises the stomach’s production of hydrochloric acid, making complete digestion of food difficult. Parasites give symptoms of constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. Specific infections should be addressed during treatment of Lyme, as optimal digestive function will help patients tolerate medications and other treatment protocols, as well as maximize absorption of nutrients from food.

Gluten intolerance and food sensitivities are common in the general population, and can worsen Lyme symptomatology. Most patients fare better avoiding gluten and dairy, because of their potential to fuel inflammation. Specific food sensitivities can be detected using a simple finger-stick blood test, making individualized dietary recommendations possible.

Yeast overgrowth is a consideration especially when antibiotic protocols are given. Prevention is the best medicine, and high potencty probiotics should be a part of every Lyme patients protocol. Up to 100 billion organisms a day are used prophylactically. Nystatin is a relatively safe and non-toxic medication to address candida; diflucan may be necessary in systemic yeast cases but has higher liver toxicity and more medication interactions.

Are you ticked off by Lyme disease? Let's tell Washington.

Are you ticked off by Lyme disease? Let's tell Washington. Join the‪#‎BiteBackForACure‬ campaign by snapping a photo with your sign and uploading it to bite back:

Tick can cause an allergy to meat

Drs. Niesel and Herzog: Tick can cause an allergy to meat

"This allergy first came to light because some cancer patients were unusually sensitive to the cancer drug cetuximab, which includes the alpha-gal molecule. Only patients from the Southeastern and Eastern United States, where the Lone Star Tick lives, experienced this, and they all had high levels of alpha-gal antibodies. Currently, more than 80 percent of the people with this meat allergy had tick bites before exhibiting symptoms."

New tick borne illness in the area-NY

New tick borne illness in the area-NY

"Researchers who worked on a five-year study say that the amount of ticks with this deadly virus are increasing, and if someone have been bitten by a deer tick, there is a one in 20 chance that it has the fatal illness."

maladie de Lyme : " j'ai guéri "

page 1
la page 2 est au dessus

Here's what Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can look like.

Here's what Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can look like. We have had cases of RMSF reported by patients in Alabama.
Picture of someone close to me. First he had a fever, then a small rash broke out followed by a full body & larger spots. Believe he was bitten while camping in northern MN. First doc rx him with Lyme. I stated it looked like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever...which so called medical professional replied, "RMSF does not exist in MN". Next doc rx him with RMSF (but not lyme). I KNOW he has both (if not more co-infections). Was put on a weeks worth of doxy! Really, like a week of doxy will kill all this bacteria? NOT! I will make sure he gets more (I'm being treated by a llmd-). I am posting this to as many lyme groups I can to help keep the awareness out there. As a side note, the doc who rx with RMSF, had all the physicians in the clinic come in the room, so that they could see & learn firsthand. Pictures were also taken to be shown to medical students.

"He struggled mightily from the symptoms of Lyme disease," Jim Leavens said. "It affected his emotions and cognitive ability."

Springettsbury teen dies after skateboard fall

"Jim Leavens said he doesn't blame his son or Royer for what happened but rather blames Lyme disease, which affected Rob Leavens' motor skills, balance and reasoning.

Lyme disease: For years, the effects of Lyme disease wouldn't allow Rob Leavens to skateboard because it was too painful.

Rob Leavens contracted Lyme disease at age 14 but was misdiagnosed for two years after testing negative for the disease until the family sought a specialist in Maryland who correctly diagnosed him, Jim Leavens said.

"He struggled mightily from the symptoms of Lyme disease," Jim Leavens said. "It affected his emotions and cognitive ability."

Rob Leavens suffered intense headaches, was hospitalized twice and would become frustrated that he couldn't remember to complete tasks or be a carefree teenager, Jim Leavens said."

Told he was dying of ALS, California man turns it around with Lyme treatment

Told he was dying of ALS, California man turns it around with Lyme treatment - See more at:

Her dying wish was for Lyme recognition in Australia. RIP, Theda - See more at:

cas de borreliose en France ........,3700558.html

Over 400,000 Americans are diagnosed with tick-borne diseases each year.

The next epidemic is here. Over 400,000 Americans are diagnosed with tick-borne diseases each year. Choose your sign and snap a picture to join our campaign and help us send a message to Washington: